The skin of Purple Sweet potatoes can range from a light tan to a deep, dark purple, depending on the variety. Sweet potatoes are a good source of many beneficial phytonutrients. is a clickable link to peer-reviewed scientific studies. All these characteristics help prevent infections and also reduce your risk of developing chronic diseases. As PSP is rich in potassium, it helps regulate blood pressure. Updated February 14, 2020. The Japanese sweet potato was brought to Hawaii by Japanese immigrants and is still cultivated there today. In addition to being fat-free with a low GI rating, the high content of dietary fiber in Japanese sweet potatoes may help you stay on your weight-loss plan. It makes a healthy choice for diabetics. We do not aim to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease. Fiber in PSP helps improve digestive health. Yellow-fleshed sweet potatoes are also rich in flavonoids (Peonidin, quercetin, kaempferol, and chrysoeriol) [7]. The Japanese sweet potato is distinct from the Okinawan sweet potato, which is purple-fleshed. Note that each number in parentheses [1, 2, 3, etc.] Each 200-gram medium potato contains the following B vitamins: Sweet potatoes help your immune system with their antioxidant capacity. They contain four times your daily value of vitamin A, half your daily value of vitamin C, as well as manganese, vitamin B6, copper, iron, dietary fiber, and potassium. Minerals Japanese sweet potatoes are also a good source of some minerals (especially magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium) and low in sodium [ 1, 6 ]. J Nutr Metab. We hope you enjoy this website. It prevents indigestion, gas, constipation, stomach ache, etc. The Japanese sweet potato is a red- or purple-skinned, yellow-white fleshed potato that belongs to the Ipomea batata botanical family. Rich in vitamins and minerals (74.7%/cal) - a good source of Vitamin A and Vitamin B6. They are especially rich in coumarins [7]. Japanese Purple Sweet potatoes have an oblong shape and a vibrantly purple colored flesh which maintains its coloring when cooked and processed. Japanese Japanese - Purple Sweet Potatoes . Your email address will not be published. This is because, when subjected to the high heat of baking or frying, starches break down into sugars instead of remaining in a more complex form. Sign Up. A high-fiber diet may also be beneficial in reducing the risk of heart disease, obesity and diabetes, says the Mayo Clinic. Find calories, carbs, and nutritional contents for Japanese Sweet Potato, Purple Skin, White Flesh and over 2,000,000 other foods at MyFitnessPal Japanese sweet potatoes are native to regions of China and Japan, areas that are much colder than most sweet potato cultivars can survive. Japanese sweet potatoes are rich in healthy minerals, especially potassium, copper and manganese. As PSP is rich in potassium, it helps regulate blood pressure. In addition, the nutrients in Japanese sweet potatoes may help you lose weight, banish depression, improve your vision and control glucose levels. Serve the sweet potatoes soon after preparation as the purple color is likely to turn grayish brown once the flesh is exposed to air. The three-layer pie traditionally consists of a macadamia crust, a purple potato middle section, and topping of haupia, a coconut-based cream. If you feel confident that the skin on your sweet potato is pesticide-free, make sure to eat it, to get as much dietary fiber as possible. Anti-Inflammatory and anticancer activities of Taiwanese purple-fleshed sweet potatoes (Ipomoea batatas L. Lam) extracts. Components in Japanese Sweet Potato Tubers, Health Effects of Japanese Sweet Potatoes, Animal & Cell Research (Lacking Evidence), Japanese Sweet Potato as Part of the Lectin Avoidance Diet. Food allergy. Sweet potato may help with constipation. Baking soda can neutralize acidic ingredients in both sweet and savory foods, but add it only in small amounts, so that it doesn't affect the taste. Copyright Nutrineat &, Inc. 1. The sweetness does come at a carbohydrate cost, with the price being about 37 grams of carbohydrates for an average sweet potato, and 61 for an Okinawan purple specifically. Japanese sweet potatoes are native to regions of China and Japan, areas that are much colder than most sweet potato cultivars can survive. Japanese sweet potatoes are a variety of sweet potato with yellow flesh and dark skin. Japanese sweet potatoes are a rich source of a variety of vitamins essential for optimum health, including vitamins A, C, E and B-6. The findings, published in Nutrients, reported that low-GI diets are more effective in controlling fasting blood glucose levels compared with a higher-GI diet for people with diabetes. Japanese Sweet Potato Nutrition Facts Absolute Fat 0.1g Immersed Fat 0g Trans Fat 0g Polyunsaturated Fat 0g Monounsaturated Fat 0g Cholesterol 0mg Sodium 72mg Potassium 438mg Absolute Carbs 26g Dietary Fiber 3.9g Sugars 5.4g Protein 2g Medical Advantages of Japanese Sweet Potato Nutrition It's known information that all yams are great for you. Is your market carrying green dragon apples? You will often find serotonin included as an ingredient in antidepressants. Even the leaves of the plant carry antioxidant properties and are included in soups in many cuisines. The red-skin sweet potatoes are no different in nutrition. Offering a slightly nutty flavor, the Japanese sweet potato has hints of chestnut and a drier, starchier texture than other sweet potato varieties. Sometimes, these purple sweet potatoes are called purple yam, but yams are quite different from both sweet potatoes and common potatoes. Sweet potatoes contain both soluble and insoluble fiber, both of which provide health benefits. Harvard Health Publishing says potassium manages the conduction and transmission of electrical signals in your nervous system, which protects against irregular heartbeat.. Sweet potatoes have a high content of zeaxanthin along with its isomer lutein. How does this food fit into your daily goals? Types of sweet potatoes. Published April 1, 2019. These include potato salad, shepherd's pie, stew and of course the basic baked potato side dish. Joe Cohen flipped the script on conventional and alternative medicine and it worked. Generic Japanese Purple Sweet Potato Serving Size: 100 g 132 Cal 94% 32g Carbs 3% 0.4g Fat 4% 1.2g Protein Track macros, calories, and more with MyFitnessPal. This effect has not been studied in humans, so its unclear whether the effect would be similar and how much we would need to eat [16]. Japanese sweet potatoes, with their reddish-purple skin, are an alternative to the traditional sweet potato. One cup (132 grams) of cooked taro has 187 calories mostly from carbs and fewer than one gram each of protein and fat ( 1 ). Today, there are over 400 strains of sweet potato grown around the world. If you are interested in trying (or already love) Japanese sweet potatoes, try this delicious low-lectin recipe! Neutralization of Free Radicals Sporamins, storage proteins in sweet potato, also have antioxidant properties. offer some protection against the development of advanced age-related macular degeneration, especially to those who are at risk for the disease. Seasons . In short, purple-fleshed sweet potatoes are fat-free, low in calories, high in fiber, and are loaded with antioxidants. One average-sized sweet potato provides 30 percent of the DV for vitamin C and about 12 percent of the vitamin B-6 requirement. By regulating the relaxation of the walls of your blood vessels, potassium helps to lower or maintain your blood pressure. What Nutrients Are in the Skins of Sweet Potatoes? There are numerous other dishes which can reap purple sweet potato benefits by swapping white potatoes or orange sweet potatoes for purple sweet potatoes. Vietnam, China, Japan, India and Indonesia are the biggest producers of Japanese sweet potatoes. U.S. Department of Agriculture. Studies show that in Western cultures, along with aging, DHEA levels drop dramatically. Studies have also shown that the potatoes have antibacterial and antifungal abilities, and may help with blood sugar regulation. Japanese sweet potato Nutrition Facts - Eat This Much Japanese sweet potato yellow inside with purple color skin Report a problem with this food Find on Amazon Percent calories from. The purple yam (ube) is a starchy root vegetable that's a great source of carbs, potassium, and vitamin C. One cup (100 grams) of cooked ube provides the following ( 1 ): Calories: 140 Carbs:. Purple sweet potatoes have antioxidant protection. All sweet potatoes are good sources of fiber and potassium, along with vitamins A, B6 and C. They are rich in natural sugars, but their mitigating high fiber content means that they don't deliver as high a glycemic load as regular white potatoes. 8. None of these calories are provided by fat. 3. Usually, a food sensitivity will cause symptoms that are obscure and dont fit neatly into any diagnosis such as brain fog, pain, fatigue, anxiety, and insomnia [22]. Calorie Lab: Satsuma-imo: Even Better Than a Sweet Potato, and Now Available in Purple, Harvard T.H. As per need, DHEA gets converted into estrogen, progesterone, or testosterone. Biomed Res Int. Have you ever asked yourself, "How much weight can I lose in a month?" Adding a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil (3.5 g fat) to mashed sweet potatoes (4 servings) can significantly improve the nutritional value of the dish. According to Herbal Extracts Plus, the Japanese sweet potato is similar to American yams, but tastes sweeter. Sweet potatoes, or Ipomoea batatas, originated in Central or South America and have been cultivated by humans for over 5000 years. Sweet potatoes are only distantly related to potatoes. However, researchers have found that DHEA levels drop at a much slower rate among the long-lived Okinawans. It can take some experimenting, but seeking a more neutral pH in your dish often makes a difference. Many polyphenols work as antioxidants in the human body. In Japan, it is known as. Various types of sweet potatoes contain almost similar quantities of nutrients. Rich in antioxidants and nutrients, the Japanese Purple Sweet potato offers a sweet earthy flavor with a buttery texture. The nutrition for 1 medium baked purple potato is as follows, per the USDA: 151 calories. Acidic ingredients, like lemon juice or vinegar, may lead to a reddish hue, while alkaline ingredients, such as baking soda or baking powder, can make the dish more bluish or bluish-green than purple. Boniato in English means "sweet potato". White Sweet Potato Nutrition. In addition, cooking purple sweet potatoes using methods like boiling, microwaving and steaming did not reduce the anthocyanin content.
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