706 days ago While you can't eliminate all chances your cat could sustain an injury that could result in brain damage, you can do everything to protect your cat from accidents and you can assure proper brain health in the 466 days ago Do you have emotiona/mental/personal problems? Seriously, she just was not very bright. 16. Do you wonder if you are just stupid or you might have a serious mental condition? "You should not compare your child to your … There is currently no cure for feline dementia. From the start Tigger was friendly, loving, approachable and playful. Never mind I hope you have a good day lovely! About the time we think she is gone for good, she will make a brief appearance, sometimes attacking our German Shepherd if he annoys her. Sometimes these issues are small and acute, caused by temporary injury or inflammation. After the injury, your cat may act different, lose its laser-sharp coordination, or have a change in personality. Scientists say that a cat's brain is not sophisticated enough to have complex mental issues. The cause for stress or anxiety may be a minor change in your lifestyle or the lifestyle of the cat. question 7 does not even make sense as 3+3-6=0 and 0-9+10=1 Meaning that they are saying that 0=1 as there is a "=" in between So in addition to stabilizing your pet, the vet will perform an exam specifically looking at your cat's neurological system. What is the meaning of being stupid? Mental retardation in young children is often missed by clinicians. 1:38. Here is an explanation of the 7th question. Dr. Joanne Intile is a board certified veterinary oncologist and a Spruce Pets veterinary review board member. She is one mean aggressive cat. A new pet or person in the house will also stress you cat. This may be a sign of rabies or other diseases, but may also mean that your cat is stressed or mentally unstable. The creator messed up question 3, it should be 0, but he messed up his own question.... Of course, some cats are bound to be better problem solvers than others. Quiz Search: Take this quiz and find out if you have a mental illness. This can help in keeping him away from depression and relieve stress. Explore the mind of your pet and find out just how sharp they really are with Petplan’s fantastic IQ test for dogs and cats. She’s 8 1/2 years old.She used to be an inside/outside cat and was very loving with us (but no one else) until we built the new house on our property four years ago and had the old mobile home moved away. How do you know if you’ve got a brainy feline? Assessing the signs and discussing your concerns with your vet are the initial steps in the diagnosis and treatment of mentation disorders in cats. There are debates whether a cat can suffer from mental illnesses. When we got her she was four weeks old and covered in fleas. Maintaining a good routine, providing options for exercise, and feeding your cat a high-quality food will help treat further decline. the answer in 32 why is it not on here your trying to make us fail. I have never seen a cat hold a grudge like that before for so long. Both are also eeeeevil. Take up the quiz and get a clue of your current condition. A vet will first stabilize the injured kitty using IV fluids and oxygen. We've tried and tried, but she hates the new house and has never forgiven us. best test ever..........................the should give those in school Sometimes the word is spoken as an insult, and at times people are just plain stupid. a) My cat never figures out what I’m trying to teach him. A depressed cat can avoid eating and even develop anorexia. Amy is an award-winning Certified Animal Behavior Consultant and author of 27 pet care books. So you would also apply the same formula to M. M + 28 = 32.