If your pet suffers from any type of kidney damage, this medicine can be dangerous. Final say on this dog muscle-relaxant. Most dogs twitch and shake, be it when they’re playing, itchy, or asleep; [1] but if you notice it happening excessively in a certain part of your dog’s body, there could be something more sinister at play. Methocarbamol for dogs with IVDD (intervertebral disk disease) is a commonly prescribed medication that helps provide relief to dogs suffering from this painful condition. You’re now well-armed with the knowledge you need to discuss its potential implications intelligently with your veterinarian.Just remember that, as with all medications, be sure to ask your vet before mixing them. Methocarbamol is available as an injectable (to be injected intravenously) and in the form of tablets. A muscle relaxant drug is the best option for combating regular muscle spasm problems. Barring a physical complication that would require surgery to fix the issue, your dog As long as they’re dosed appropriately, it’s not uncommon for pets to feel relief as of the first dose, and As with any medication your dog might be prescribed, You’ll need to keep an eye on him/her initially to assess if they are sensitive to the ingredients in the drug. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases.All products and brands found on this website are trademark of their respective companies.The Dog Nutrition team is here to help you navigate the stormy ocean waters that are the dog products industry. Most dogs twitch and shake, be it when they’re playing, itchy, or asleep; [1] but if you notice it happening excessively in a certain part of your dog’s body, there could be something more sinister at play.If you’re noticing this pattern in your dog and it’s not going away, then it might be To put it in its simplest terms, methocarbamol [3] is aIt’s quite a potent little drug and works by targeting the central nervous system to help control the impulses of the target muscle, similar to how many human muscle-relaxants work.If they’re not in pain and they don’t have any visible injuries, then you probably don’t need to be using it.It not only controls the impulse of the muscle to reduce instances of twitching (which can help your dog sleep or rest comfortably), but it also works as a If neither of these two tips helps fix the issue, then take them to a professional along with a list of the steps you’ve done to help your vet “troubleshoot” your dog.Chances are that when you bring your dog into the vet for the first time with these symptoms, they’ll run him or her through their gamut of tests that will probably include Unless they find something though, they’re going to need a lot of supplementary information from you, so you need to be sure that you’re equipped to answer such questions.Dogs with a more in-depth medical history (which your vet has experience with) might involve more questions. It is commonly used to manage muscular spasms in dogs, cats and horses. External injuries, genetics, age, or even allergies can all prompt your dog to develop muscle spasms, where their body … It is not completely understood why this drug works to prevent your pet's muscles from spasming, but it is highly effective. Side effects of Methocarbamol for dogs. These could be a sign of a more serious allergic reaction and require an evaluation and dosage restructuring by your vet. It's important not to exceed about 125 milligrams per pound per day, though. Methocarbamol, also know by the brand name drug Robaxin V, is a powerful muscle relaxant. Avoid freezing or refrigerating the injectable solution, keep it stored at room temperature instead. Always follow your vet’s instructions. However, once they have all this info, as well as what they gather from their tests, they should be in a good spot to make a decision/prescription.Fortunately, due to its potency, methocarbamol is only available on an as-needed basis, with a These prescriptions can be given either under the generic name methocarbamol, or under the brand name of Unless your vet has some concerns over how your dog will handle the medication (more on that below), they’ll So, you saw your vet and got the prescription, but what exactly are you getting when you go to get it filled out? Veterinarians typically recommend the tablet version for full body muscle spasms. Note: Do not give methocarbamol to your dog unless you have permission from your vet. With over 10+ years experience in dealing with dog products and caring dog owners, we look beneath the surface to uncover hidden features, deals, and some of the most popular, best selling and highest reviewed dog products you can purchase.