below the tongue which equals 5 mg.Check for ingredients, the less the better. If a company marketed a comb that can dispense the treatment while combing my hair as regular, I would think about Minoxidil.Hello admin, I thought you might be interested in this study of 2017 on interadermal Dutai got fluid retention and dark eyebags from using it after a while. Because if it is then balding will officially become a choice, at least for those who can afford it. And we all know that minox works at least for a while.I do it once per day as I hate having any of the residue in my hair when I’m out plus the extra time to wait for my hair to try after I shower just adds to my morning routine.Minoxidil twice 5 mg oral per day worked well for me (maintenance) even without Finasteride yet has a vasodilative effect on a blood vessel close to my left eardrum.. but will read into diuretic pharmaceuticals.I’m assuming you are getting the minoxidil prescribed by a healthcare practitioner?Would like to move down to once per day but afraid of shedding.I started losing my hair when I was 20, I always used minoxidil once a day “before going to bed” I wash my hair every morning. of a 10% ointment). of a 2% solution) was studied under strict laboratory conditions in a double-blind controlled trial on 33 patients (4 with neurogenic plus arterial, 10 with neurogenic and 19 with arterial impotence) and compared to placebo and nitroglycerin (2.5 gm. There are a number of mechanisms via There is some evidence that once a day use of Rogaine (Minoxidil 2% or 5%) is almost as effective as using it twice per day. Nowadays, most people use Rogaine 5% Minoxidil Foam rather than topical Minoxidil. You think it’s real? Reminds me that about 5 years ago I visited a dermatologist and asked him if he performed PRP injections and he told me that he wasn’t since he had seen result photos and wasn’t impressed but he does dutasteride injections since he had seen positive results with that. My hair is thinner on top, but I can still get away with a side part and most people have no idea that I’m worried about going bald.2x per day, the vast majority of days. if no side effects then can be very effective for someI started using it at the first sign of crown thinning about 7 years ago. I noticed both the foam and the dropper accentuate the thinning. The dropper is less obvious. As a result, the blood supply to the scalp increases and any medications such as minoxidil (which is … I’ve been taking 100 mg/week for years without issue but my online source has been taken away. Now makes me think maybe the first doc was right.Also notice – both patients in photos were also concurrently treated with minoxidil 11% + finasteride cream (in addition to the dutasteride injections). 2019 Feb 1;18(2):155-160. @Tocatta That’s a fun little paragraph :) Well written. Change your diet to include a well-balance of vitamin and minerals. In the end I went for PRP with another doctor and was disappointed with the non-results in my case. I plan to combine 1x 5 mg oral Minoxidil and 500 mg Quercetin in autumn and see how it goes.One Punch, do you have a source for the oral minoxidil w/o a prescription? The formula must contain either glycerol OR propylene glycol. So you hear your heartbeat all the time.. extremely unpleasant side effect. Rogaine (chemical name Minoxidil) is one of only two officially approved hair loss treatments in the US and EU. Now I am 47 years old and I still have hair when I should have already been completely bald at 25 … if you are young and you are losing your hair, do not waste time, minoxidil and finasteride are the only drugs that can stop or at least slow down the process , in most cases those “famous” side effects are just paranoia … Then if you can be a real champion try not to give a damn and shave it all awaySide note: A previous commenter on last thread mentioned Tsuji and some news on expense and news?There is a video from a japanese guy on an interview with Dr. Tsuji.