Healthline Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. But can you try a stool softener? I just mega fiber and hydrate; sit around using a Two or three dried plums (old people call them prunes) keeps me regular when I take medicines that constipate me. Aspirin was originally dirived from willow bark, so a natural anti-inflammatory and pain killer - but I think the pain blocking is mostly from the anti-inflammatory properties... Inflammation = Pain. Acetimophen is nowhere near as good. Constipation remedies: Six ways to get rid of pain and achieve relief CONSTIPATION pain can cause big disruption in your daily routine but there are some simple home remedies to help achieve relief. Any other options I can get without a prescription?I balance my constipating meds with Miralax. Constipation that includes abdominal pain is common. Sometimes, back pain can accompany constipation. posted by cairnoflore at 8:39 PM on December 30, 2015 [2 favorites] Nthing Excedrin, this stuff is kick-ass for headaches and cramps. if i take them with two full glasses of water it helps a great deal.oh and miralax works for a lot of people and doesn't feel like a traditional laxative. It's the same amount of each painkiller as two Excedrin.I think your main candidates are naproxen sodium, aspirin, and acetaminophen (aka paracetamol if you're not in the US or Japan). Opioids. (Same stuff you drink a gallon of before colonoscopy.) Ask MetaFilter is where thousands of life's little questions are answered.I had a killer headache today and broke down and took 400 mg of ibuprofen and it seems to work. It was funded by the US National Institutes of Health grants. The daily recommended dose is 400mg but I found half works great for keeping things moving even when I take opiates. In most cases, it’s caused by gas buildup in the abdomen or from the need to have a bowel movement. If you buy something through a link on this page, we may earn a small commission. Constipation occurs when you have difficulty or are unable to have a bowel movement. If you don't want the caffeine (sometimes I don't if it is late in the day, or if I've already had coffee) just take two aspirin and two acetaminophen at the same time. There may be a conflict of interest as several of the authors have filed a provisional patent on PZM21 and rela… Mild or moderate abdominal pain and constipation together isn’t usually cause for concern.The causes of abdominal pain and constipation are varied. All rights reserved. My doctor recommended it. Ask MetaFilter is a question and answer site that covers nearly any question on earth, where members help each other solve problems. They're often recommended for people who have to take painkillers on an ongoing basis.If you want to avoid a stool softener, you may consider trying the "old fashioned way" and eating some fiber foods - a banana, apple or prunes might do the trick.You can also take fiber capsules if you want something portable/not in food form. Sadly I don't think there is any as you can't take things like ibuprofen or diclofenac as they can cause heart problems in babies. Most treatment will range from lifestyle or dietary changes to medications. They can also help you prevent future problems.You can often prevent abdominal pain and constipation by making healthy lifestyle choices:© 2005-2020 Healthline Media a Red Ventures Company. Abdominal pain is a symptom that commonly presents with constipation. I would obviously prefer something that doesn't do that. If Aleve doesn't knock it, then I try acetomenaphen or ibuprofen.Not sure I want to combine ibuprofen with laxatives but, i guess if it needs to be it needs to be.The problem with pain killers is that they are so personalized it's hard to give general advice. These symptoms include:Abdominal pain and constipation are common symptoms. The digestive tract has receptors for opioids, and constipation can occur (or worsen) when people take opioid pain medications. The caffeine won't constipated you. Your doctor will work to find and treat the underlying cause.If your abdominal pain and constipation are caused by medications or a medical condition, your doctor will provide treatment options for clearing up your current constipation. Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. Within each of these segments are multiple things that can lead to abdominal pain and constipation.Medications that can cause abdominal pain and constipation may include:Health conditions that may cause abdominal pain and constipation may include:Treatment for abdominal pain and constipation varies depending on the cause. If symptoms don’t clear up or get worse, it’s important that you see your doctor. In some chronic cases, surgery may be required for blockages, tears in the anus, or conditions that other treatments can’t help.Many times, you can treat constipation on your own using over-the-counter medication or making some lifestyle changes. Try some and see which works.Excedrine is acetaminophen (Tylenol) + aspirin + caffeine.