** The Controlled Substances Act (CSA) schedule information displayed applies to substances regulated under federal law. Gynecomastia (breast enlargement), another possible side effect of the 5–alpha-reductase inhibitors, is rare but is distressing when it occurs. Food can enhance the levels of alfuzosin in your body. Those times are; after sitting for 2 hours at a movie, after waking up during sleep once or twice at night. Commonly reported The size or volume of the prostate gland is measured by the ultrasonographing apparatus in cubic centimeters and not in grams.My Name Is Ron I Take Flomax Twice za Day Sometimes Not Always Pee Comes Out By Itself And I Get Burning What Do You Suggest Thank YouI’m a healthy, fit, active 53 year old, who has been taking tamsulosin, avodart, and daily cialis for the past two years. Fortunately none of these consequences had long-lasting health effects — and they could be avoided in the future by making some adjustments. If your doctor recommends a medical test that requires you to drink fluids ahead of time, as Henry did, mention that you are taking a BPH medication and ask what your doctor advises.Second, if you are at risk for acute urinary retention, it means your symptoms have progressed so that your urinary difficulties are moderate to severe in intensity (see “BPH progression,” above). Yes, the pills are made here in the USofA. An unexpected development is that recently I have improved urine Flow and longer periods of undisturbed sleep. No pain encountered. Is it possible that the ibuprofen help relax the smooth muscles in the prostate to alleviate the problem of nightly needing to urinate?I have noticed the same results.Can you share more since this observation?Ibuprofen acts as an anti imflamatory so helps in combination.Thanks for your article.I need some help. By blocking alpha-1 receptors, alpha-1 blockers prevent insertion of the chemical keys that signal a muscle to contract. Seems to be OK but wonder where it is all going?I am 54 years old and was taking flomax and found it gave me an erection lasting 4 hours uncomfortable. I have not found Levitra to work very well. However, the safety and efficacy of AB and low‐dose tadalafil combination therapy are still poorly understood. I am 69 and have been on Flomax for 10+ years. I am 64, enjoyed warm water therapy for three months and notice improvement but not as I observed when my Dr recommend Doudart, But I noticed also headache nose blockage and low libido/erectile dysfunction just after 3 weeks dosage but the swelling of my lower belly due to my (BPH) prostate problem reduced drastically. I am wondering if the problem is actually coelomic adipose tissue in the region just protruding against the bladder wall instead of the prostate. In combination with alfuzosin 10 mg OD, these higher doses may be even more effective on LUTS and ED but the safety profile of the association has not been evaluated. I will stop taking this medication hoping my energy will return as well sex drive.I was diagnosed with chronic urethritis, had an issues with weak stream, failure to fully empty bladder, frequent peeing at night. Now my issue, there are lots of discussions, but none address my question. It is important to obtain a baseline PSA value before beginning treatment with one of these medications, and then have another after 6–12 months, to see how much the PSA has gone down after treatment. 0000040040 00000 n By activating your account, you will create a login and password. My flow of urine has reduced from 15 ml/sec to 7ml/sec and my PSA has increased from 1.7 ng to 2.08 ng in these five years Wt of prostate is 36gms.