Budesonide is an Your doctor is unlikely to prescribe both Flonase and Symbicort. They can review your diet and exercise routine, as well as your medications.Eye problems aren’t likely to occur with Symbicort, but it’s possible. The following lists contain some of the key side effects that may occur while taking Symbicort. Formoterol is metabolized via glucuronidation and O-demethylation to inactive metabolites via CYP2D6 and CYP2C.The use of Symbicort is contraindicated in people who have had a hypersensitivity reaction to it in the past. This should help their symptoms be better controlled.For more information about how to use Symbicort, visit the manufacturer’s You’ll usually take Symbicort as two puffs twice a day, about 12 hours apart. They’ll help you decide on the best way to feed your child and what When you get Symbicort from the pharmacy, the pharmacist will add an expiration date to the label. The medication strength and dosage your child’s doctor recommends will depend on their asthma symptoms.If you miss a dose of Symbicort, take your next dose at the regularly scheduled time.It’s important to try to take your doses about 12 hours apart. And if you have blurred vision, changes in your sight, or pain in your eyes, tell your doctor right away.A sore throat may occur with Symbicort use. Don’t expose it to temperatures greater than 120°F (49°C) or the canister can burst.© 2004-2020 Healthline Media UK Ltd, Brighton, UK, a Red Ventures Company. So talk with your doctor if you have symptoms that are bothersome or want to learn how to find relief.Symbicort is approved for the treatment of asthma in children ages 6 years and older.Here are answers to some frequently asked questions about Symbicort.Talk with your doctor before changing or stopping the use of any of medications for your If you have questions about stopping the use of Symbicort, talk with your doctor.Tell your doctor if you don’t feel like your asthma or COPD is well controlled. This date is typically 1 year from the date they dispensed the medication.The expiration date helps guarantee that the medication is effective during this time. There are currently no generic forms of either drug combination. MNT is the registered trade mark of Healthline Media. These lists don’t include all possible side effects. These include:Using more than the recommended dosage of Symbicort can lead to serious side effects. These would be in addition to your medications for asthma or COPD.If you’re taking Flonase for allergies, talk with your doctor about other options before using Symbicort.Probably, but be sure to first check with your doctor or pharmacist. Seasonal or year-round allergies affect many people. (For more about side effects, see the “Symbicort side effects” section above.) And you shouldn’t take extra doses of a maintenance medication for this purpose.Examples of rescue medications include short-acting beta2-adrenergic agonists, such as albuterol (Both asthma and COPD are chronic (long-term) conditions affecting the airways. Contact your trash or recycling center to ask about proper disposal of your inhaler. They can give you tips on how to deal with any side effects that may be bothersome.The mild side effects of Symbicort that are more common* can include:Most of these side effects may go away within a few days or a couple of weeks. )You should take Symbicort according to your doctor’s or healthcare provider’s instructions.If your child is taking Symbicort, help them with their doses to be sure they’re using the medication correctly. The condition isn’t curable, but you may be able to manage your symptoms to help improve your quality of life and prevent complications.The group that took 80 mcg/4.5 mcg of Symbicort had an FEV1 improvement that was similar to the group that took formoterol.You may wonder if Symbicort has any uses in addition to the uses listed above.If you have breathing issues related to allergies, other treatment options are available.