Asthma refers to airways (breathing tubes) that are chronically sensitive and inflamed. Quick-relief medicine is usually taken through an inhaler.SABAs are common quick-relief medicines that act within minutes to relieve sudden asthma symptoms. Theophylline is sometimes used alone to treat mild persistent asthma, but most of the time it is used in combination with inhaled corticosteroids to treat moderate or severe persistent asthma. Asthma - What You Should Know 1. The oral corticosteroids are available in pill and liquid form. If you keep track of your results and show those to your doctor, peak flow readings can help to determine:There are several types of peak flow meters, including meters designed for the smaller airways of children. When you inhale a dose, the medicine quickly relaxes the muscles surrounding your airways so that air can flow more freely through your lungs, helping you feel better. It is taken by mouth rather than inhaled. Leukotriene receptor antagonists can be prescribed alone to treat mild persistent asthma, or in combination with inhaled corticosteroids to treat moderate or severe persistent asthma.Anti-immunoglobulin E (anti-IgE) therapy may be helpful for asthma that is triggered by allergies and is not well controlled by other medications. The spirometry test measures the rate and volume of air flowing out of your lungs. How a Support Group Can Help You With Your Asthma. SABA medicine is typically delivered through an inhaler. Breathing exercises help to control bodily functions.A step-by-step process of Naukasan with illustrations of yoga postures, animated images of the asana are discussed.The lungs are our organs of respiration. It can be due to an allergy reaction or any other reason.A facemask is generally used to cover the face to prevent the spread of infection, to disguise or for protection against disease or pollution. The term acne, pimples and dryness of ...Anti asthma diet includes natural, non-drug bronchodilator that dilates the bronchi and relaxes lung muscles. All rights reserved.GSK does not recommend, endorse or accept liability for sites controlled by third-parties. ©2016 GlaxoSmithKline group of companies. All you have to do is breathe as hard as you can into the device. It is important to know that inhaled corticosteroids are Leukotriene receptor antagonists work by blocking the action of leukotrienes, which are chemicals that can increase inflammation in the airways of your lungs. Always seek the advice of a qualified physician for medical diagnosis and treatment. This can then be inhaled through a mask or mouthpiece. Nebulisers are used by people who have trouble using an inhaler, including young children and people who are very ill. With air pollution ever on the rise and our everyday surroundings abounding in common allergens, it's best to stay informed on this respiratory condition so that you don't trigger off another ...Celiac disease is labeled as a digestive disorder associated with malabsorption as well as an abnormal immune reaction to gluten.Emphysema is a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, marked by alveolar damage, and reduced air flow to lungs, leading to breathlessness and cough.Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease in which your airways narrow, swell and produce extra mucus. Delivery of quick-relief medicines through nebulisers is also sometimes used to help treat asthma attacks.Monitoring devices indicate your level of asthma control, usually by measuring how strongly you can exhale. Using it more than usual may be a sign that you are having trouble controlling the inflammation – talk to your doctor to see what should be done. As a rough gauge, Unlike quick-relief medicines, long-term asthma control medicines are used toThere are also other long-term medicines that work by regulating the immune system, and others that work as bronchodilators.Inhaled corticosteroids treat the inflammation associated with asthma. For asthma treatment, the doctor will prescribe the medication that suits us best. Facemasks are also used for ceremonial and ritualistic practices. Follow these simple home remedies and tips to get rid of asthma.What happens when you Breathe?