My anxiety and stress been high lately plus my insomnia .. been having some sensation n my head like crawling zap sensation hard to describe.. is it anxiety related? I keep getting very frequent brain zaps which are becoming increasingly uncomfortable. They only ever felt them a couple times at it was at night. i cant do it anymore. In my experience, they were usually caused by withdrawal but I remember getting them sometimes when I changed dosages too, or just when I’m particularly anxious. Posted by 11 hours ago. I recently had a small increase in dosage on one of my anti depressants. save hide report. User account menu • Brain zaps. friends, romance, my job, everything. Log in sign up. So frustrating that we have to deal with thisDiscussion and support for sufferers and loved ones of any anxiety disorder.Press J to jump to the feed. Brain zaps. My anxiety and stress been high lately plus my insomnia .. been having some sensation n my head like crawling zap sensation hard to describe.. is it anxiety related? If not definitely tell your doctor you just might need another dose shiftYeah, I called the pharmacist and they said it’s fine, but I’m so nervous to take my dosage again tonight. All day sometimes. (I’m on 200mg of sertraline) 0 comments. Log in or sign up to leave a comment log in sign up. Last night I was awake for hours, I … Press J to jump to the feed. I also had an anxiety attack yesterday. This all started this morning with a tiny feeling of disorientation and brain-zaps, but during the day they've escalated to the point where I feel numb all over my body whenever I move or look at something. Google scared me more. Brain zaps and anxiety. share. 4 comments . Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I just feeling a little zap here n there that is kinda scaryDiscussion and support for sufferers and loved ones of any anxiety disorder.Press J to jump to the feed. The brain zaps are not in the psych literature (the dsm).Yes brain.zaps. Remarkably easy.Also get em spontaneously sometimes and also while falling asleep which has contributed to insomnia.I used to get those all of the time when I was on a high dose of an SSRI with way too short of a half life. it’s been going on for two months and it’s like i’m at civil war with myself. I have once explaned to my therapist this sensations/pain i feel at night but she gave me no answers...Same here. Log in or sign up to leave a comment log in sign up. My understanding is these are brain zaps. this health anxiety is impacting everything in my life. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts Be the first to share what you think! Symptoms described as "brain zaps," "brain shocks," "brain shivers," "brain pulse-waves," "head shocks," "pulses," "flickers," or "cranial zings" are common withdrawal symptoms. Close • Posted by 5 minutes ago. Its really disorienting. I think our brains just have to get used to a shift in chemicals, so hopefully it will go away soon! Sort by. It hasn’t happened to me today throughout the day so I’m definitely thinking with it being related to seconds before falling asleep- it’s the brain zaps. I get two kinds, one that feels like a straight electrical shock buzz all over ...another that's more of a warm spasm from the back.o my head.I'm so stressed and nerves so sensitive right now that i can get one for a mildly scary/stressful thought like not being able to find my keys or a loud noise. 100% Upvoted. 100% Upvoted. share. I have done some research through this reddit but don't want to peak to far because my anxiety is fueled from googling symptoms. Once it happened to me that i had a dream where i had a huge electric shock in my brain which jolted me awake and my whole body was shaking.No herbal .. best. As you said, it happens just a second before falling asleep... i don't know the reason why this happens, but i feel scared everytime and i can't sleep well at night cause everytime it happens i immediately feel awake. It's a terrible cycle. Electric shock sensations have also been reported[24][25] with many patients describing the symptoms as "brain zaps". Just looking back at my text I'm writing currently, causes brain-zaps which in turn gives a feeling of momentarely numbness in the body. So physical symptoms of anxiety fuel my anxiety even further. Brain zaps are something that happens usually when you stop taking meds for depression/other mood disorders.