Levaquin can alter the normal bacteria in the colon and cause pseudomembranous colitis. 1�îc*¥VæßKxÚk{ŞLÌsº¼|•r8Â킉‚ùñõ` ¶jkù Both drugs have similar side effects, however, Levaquin has more serious side effects and adverse effects. What does Levaquin look like? With so many pharmaceutical offerings on the market currently, it is nearly impossible to keep up with the medications that offer the best results and those that come with some pretty serious side effects.If you have been prescribed this medication and what like to know what the Levaquin side effects are, look no further. You should not take any medications containing the latter if you have been prescribed Levaquin. }_ÂGıAîªú[ Levaquin is also known as levofloxacin and is a fluoroquinolone antibiotic. However, … Enbrel Is Important If You Have An Autoimmune DiseaseWhat Happens When The FDA Updates A Drug Label Like JanuviaThis website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. If you are pregnant, let your doctor know. In your description, mention the brand, dose, and period of time that you used the drug or treatment. Most people do not experience long-lasting or serious Levaquin side effects. MEDICATION GUIDE LEVAQUIN ® [Leave ah kwin] (levofloxacin) 250 mg Tablets, 500 mg Tablets, and 750 mg Tablets And LEVAQUIN ® (levofloxacin) Oral Solution, 25 mg/mL Speak with your doctor and pharmacist regarding any potential interactions with these medications.Your dosages and the length of your prescription generally depend upon your unique set of medical circumstances and any Levaquin side effects you may experience. It always works twice as fast and twice as well as the other antibiotics that are usually prescribed. It can be taken with a meal or without in tablet form. At the end of the day, it comes down to your individual body constitution and health situation. It may also be used to treat the bacterial infections that cause illness like pneumonia and bronchitis. If you begin to experience continuous diarrhea, bloody stool, or abdominal cramps that do not abate, consult your doctor immediately. Amoxicillin and Levaquin are antibiotics used to treat various bacterial infections. The liquid version must be taken on an empty stomach about 1-2 hours before eating. Sinus, skin, lung, bone, joint and ear infections that have overrun the body can be effectively dissolved by this drug.As such, the best Levaquin side effect, without a doubt, is the potency with which it fights bacterial infections. One of the best Levaquin side effects is found in its ability to root out urinary infections and kill off bacteria that has been wreaking havoc on your body, despite your efforts to fight these organisms off with other forms of antibiotics.When it comes to the bad Levaquin side effects, there are quite a few that have been experienced by a wide spectrum of patients. It is a good idea to take Levaquin at the same time each day so that you can ensure an adequate space between consumption.You must continue to take Levaquin until you have finished your prescription even if you begin to feel better immediately. Multi ingredient medications may also be listed when applicable. Alternatively, your bacterial infection may be such that it requires the use of a powerful antibiotic to combat it. Levaquin is part of the drug family called quinolone antibiotics, with its function being to hinder bacteria growth in the body.If prescribed Levaquin, always adhere to the dosages ordered by your doctor and do not make any alterations without consulting a medical professional. Penicillins and fluoroquinolones work differently in killing bacteria. If you are taking other medications that will lessen the potency of the drug, you will need to take Levaquin a minimum of 2 hours before or after consumption of these substances.Medications like quinapril, sucralfate, many vitamins, and minerals, or elements like magnesium, aluminum, or calcium will negate the ability of the drug to fight bacteria in your body. Results for "Levaquin" Be sure to make note of any medications or supplements you already take and share them with your doctor and pharmacist to ensure the right prescription is made.Levaquin has quite a few similarities to the drug Ofloxacin.