And that we do it UK heart specialist Dr. Aseem Malhotra (who participated in this new exposé) calls it the “cholesterol con.”And Dr. John Abramson from Harvard Medical School said there’s a “lack of association” between high LDL cholesterol and heart disease in seniors, adding that the “conventional cholesterol hypothesis is flawed.”But perhaps one of the most daring things this group did was to hold up a recent pro-statin study to the light of day and reveal its numerous flaws.Back in September, research published in the Lancet attempted (once again) to manipulate the data and inflate the benefits of statins while downplaying the side effects. I’m Caucasian which renders me somewhat less at risk than a non-Caucasian; my blood pressure is a normal 120/80, I’m non-diabetic, and I’m a former smoker but quit 40 years ago. High blood sugar? Under the current guidelines, statins are recommended for only about 15 percent of adults. Doctors Deeply Divided Over the Value of Statins If you're confused about the benefits and risks of statins for lowering cholesterol, you're not alone. Contributions are fully tax-deductible. Anytime we see half of an entire population (in this case, men aged 60+) being prescribed a drug, it might be time to ask if we're overdoing it. High blood pressure? The statin enthusiasts insist that statins save lives and that anyone who questions their value is undermining public health. For the avoidance of doubt,If a Dispute arises under this Agreement, you agree to first contact us at 1-888-213-0764 or Notwithstanding the foregoing, the following shall not be subject to arbitration and may be adjudicated only in the state and federal courts of Maryland: (i) any dispute, controversy, or claim relating to or contesting the validity of our or one of our family company’s intellectual property rights and proprietary rights, including without limitation, patents, trademarks, service marks, copyrights, or trade secrets; (ii) an action by us for temporary or preliminary injunctive relief, whether prohibitive or mandatory, or other provisional relief; (iii) any legal action by us against a non-consumer; or (iv) interactions with governmental and regulatory authorities. Eligible patients had to have at least 2 cholesterol measures taken: 1 in the 12 months before taking statins and 1 in the 24 months after starting statins. ... a finding that would ordinarily stampede most doctors into ordering a statin. Cholesterol is synthesized by the liver and intestines, and roughly Because high cholesterol, specifically LDL, is associated with cardiovascular disease, it is desirable for people who have a high level of blood cholesterol to lower it. Is it really necessary for that many Americans to be taking these drugs?Anytime we see half of an entire population (in this case, men aged 60+) being prescribed a drug, it might be time to ask if we're overdoing it. Prevention, after all, is the best medicine. Prevention, after all, is the best medicine. There have also been suggestions that they have other, unexpected benefits too – including a lowered risk of Alzheimer’s disease. You agree that we may communicate electronically with you and that such communications, as well as notices, disclosures, agreements, and other communications that we provide to you electronically, are equivalent to communications in writing and shall have the same force and effect as if they were in writing and signed by the party sending the communication.You further acknowledge and agree that by clicking on a button labeled “ORDER NOW”, “SUBMIT”, “I ACCEPT”, “I AGREE”, “YES”, by texting a short code to us in response to a request on this website, or by clicking or similar links or buttons, you are submitting a legally binding electronic signature and are entering into a legally binding contract.