chemicals has been reduced. We sleep better thanks to essential oils, and as you no doubt know, sleep is an integral component to good health. As soon as the first thieves plate was done, I made another dirty agar plate and repeated the experiment. In fact, diffusing essential oils is one of the best things you can do for your health. Certain essential oils are proven immune boosters. New agar plates are all clean and shiny with no germs growing. If you look at the ingredient list for even a bottle of simple shampoo, there might be dozens of ingredients with names that you could hardly pronounce—whereas with DIY products, there might be five ingredients, all of which you know are safe for your body, your children, your pets, etc.Research like yours is important so that people have a clear understanding of what essential oils can and cannot do. Does diffusing essential oils kill germs? Essential oils that have antiviral and immune-boosting properties are our best tools to fight and prevent viruses. Just like with anything you choose to inhale, put on your skin, ingest, and so on, nothing should be viewed in black and white terms.What we’d love to see more of are people who have a realistic understanding of essential oils and their benefits, rather than those who think they’re somehow magical or those who dismiss them completely. I borrowed some of my children's Megablocks and built an apparatus to hold the agar plate upside down over the diffuser. I’s known for its Cinnamon essential oil is considered one of the strongest antibacterial essential oils. Essential oils have antibacterial and antiviral properties and may help relieve cold and flu symptoms. Anti-viral essential oils. Work like yours promotes a healthy, balanced understanding of these awesome oils from nature, and we thank you for it!If you would like to be informed when new results are posted, you can join me on I am an Amazon affiliate and earn money from qualifying purchases when people use my Amazon links to shop on Amazon. The oils that will potentially be most useful with the current coronavirus outbreak will be those with anti-viral properties. Initially, I made 2 nearly identical dirty agar plates which both had been rubbed with germs from the floor, sink, shoe, and dog. It also offers potent antibiotics effects for your body. I swabbed the floor, dog, sink, and shoe and rubbed the swabs all over an agar plate. It ran for 3 hours. The 2 plates that were over the diffuser with thieves oil have MUCH LESS bacteria! After switching to as many all natural, essential oil based products as possible, we’re quite sure that our exposure to potentially harmful (and immune damaging?) Many oils offer protection against different types of infectious organisms such bacteria, fungi and viruses. Oregano essential oil is able to kill harmful bacteria and control staph infections. You can see that the diffuser vapor really hit the agar plate. When you think of essential oils, you might immediately start picturing aromatherapy and a fancy massage at a spa somewhere. It should grow a ton of bacteria after 24 hours in the incubator. Because essential oils are concentrated, they can cause irritation. We mainly focus on essential oil accessories, like our (really gorgeous!) Essential oils can be used as a natural remedy to fight bacteria and fungi, kill viruses and prevent infections. Oregano Essential Oil. When tested against several strains of bacteria, Clove essential oil is a powerful antibacterial. Here are seven essential oils that can kill off bacteria: 1. The second plate would go over the diffuser with Thieves oil. It also offers potent antibiotics effects for your body.Tea tree essential oil is an antiviral, antibacterial and an antimicrobial. Answer: My experiments show that the vapor from a diffuser with Young Living Thieves oil or do Terra On Guard oil does inhibit bacterial growth, but it won’t disinfect a whole room. They do some really amazing things though. I swabbed the floor, the dog's mouth, the sink, and the dirty shoe and rubbed it all over another agar plate. I still recommend using a strong germ-killing cleaning product if anyone in the house comes down with a stomach bug, such as the , we’re very involved with essential oils on a daily basis. We sometimes see websites promoting essential oils as magical cure-alls, which they aren’t. Then I ran the diffuser with just distilled water for an hour. One would be the control plate that would NOT go over the diffuser. Then I put 1/2 cup of distilled water and 12 drops of Thieves into the diffuser and put the plate on top of my apparatus.