Of course, bupropion is also a motor stimulant, especially at first, so you probably just do more with your body when you're on Wellbutrin, burning more calories in the process. Healthline Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Article includes descriptions, uses, drug interactions, and side effects. Buspirone vs Bupropion – Differences Buspirone is an anti-anxiety drug that belongs to a group of medications called anxiolytics. It is not known precisely how it works, but it is believed to work by changing the activity of serotonin and dopamine, natural neurotransmitters in the brain. Bupropion is an antidepressant medication used to treat major depressive disorder and seasonal affective disorder.. It does have a purpose, and can be helpful for those with anxiety. wellbutrin. 200 Lamictal 60 Prozac 150 Bupropion felt terrible yesterday. Adverse reactions have included restlessness, agitation, tremor, ataxia, gait disturbance, vertigo, and dizziness. You don't want to stop taking the medicine and watch as your anxiety comes back stronger than before. Good luck.thank you! Overall, he wasn’t worried about it. Some research—albeit smaller, less compelling studies—suggests that bupropion may decrease anxiety. This means it increases the amount of norepinephrine, one of your body's fight or flight chemicals that occur in response to anxiety producing stimuli. They disappeared completely after 2 weeks. These conditions include:Discuss the following with your doctor before starting Wellbutrin:Since Wellbutrin can interact with a variety of other drugs, it’s also important to discuss with your doctor if you’re taking any additional medications or supplements and whether you’ve experienced any adverse side effects while taking them.Common side effects of Wellbutrin occur during the first couple weeks you start taking it. Bupropion is the antidepressant with the highest risk of seizures. I started taking daily Bupropion SR 100 mg about 2 months ago nominally for SSRI sexual side effects. It’s likely that the instant … However, because anxiety often accompanies depression of many varieties, and because tobacco dependence and withdrawal can be cause of stress, treating your seasonal affective disorder or addiction with bupropion may have the side effect of decreasing your anxiety.Read on to learn more about this drug's effects, and alternative ways to manage your anxiety (especially if you are having to treat other problems simultaneously and want to avoid medical complications).Medicine has received an unfair reputation in the anxiety world. “I have been taking bupropion for 6 weeks to treat anxiety and work-related stress. ughI find 7 hours into Wellbutrin XL (when at the peak concentrations) I can get way more amped about exercising. It’s thought to affect levels of mood-influencing chemicals called This is different from some other antidepressants, which affect levels of Wellbutrin can also be prescribed off-label for some conditions. But it needs to be more of a last resort, and should never be used alone. Watch this WebMD slideshow to see simple things you can do to improve your mood. The right exercise, diet, and activities -- even playing with a pet -- can help you recover from depression. Common Questions and Answers about Bupropion and exercise. I’ve been on Bupropion for a little over two months now and I think I’m going to go off of it. I hope it does, cause this medication can actually help you run.It looks like your dosage is too high? Although it is possible that anxiety/agitation could result from bupropion use, there is not sufficient data to support its reputation as ”anxiogenic.”Some smaller studies have suggested that bupropion does not increase anxietyThe authors report no financial relationship with any company whose products are mentioned in this article or with manufacturers of competing products. Wellbutrin is an antidepressant medication that has several on- and off-label uses. I was eating two lunches every day even thought I wasn't hungry. I started taking daily Bupropion SR 100 mg about 2 months ago nominally for SSRI sexual side effects. Bupropion, levodopa, and amantadine have dopamine agonist effects. This is why it is important to examine your medication for anxiety or for depression if you are experiencing both to make sure it will not aggravate one condition or the other.Taking drugs such as bupropion to alleviate stressful feelings caused by the need to smoke can be helpful for anxiety. I used to have to run full out for almost an hour to get to 170 prior to bup. I run marathons too. I gained 30 pounds in 6 months. I’m not even sure if it has to do with my heart rate, as I haven’t noticed a significant in that department with the running tech I use..Whoa whoa. This is because a prolonged cycle of negative, anxious thoughts can lead to feelings of hopelessness and dejection. He said it’s a normal side effect, would likely get increasingly better over time. Off-label means that the FDA hasn’t approved it to treat these conditions.