Look for a basil seed that serves your needs. While there is only one Genovese sweet basil, there are other types of sweet basil, such as Nufar (Ocimum basilicum 'Nufar'), that also work well. Moreover, Thai Basil has an extra aroma of licorice with spicy touch in addition to the anise background flavor that shares with the Genovese variety. Sweet Basil (O. basilicum) A sweeter and more petite cousin to the Genovese variety, this basil is also a great choice for pasta dishes. When it comes to sweet basil vs. basil of any type, there are a few things to consider before sowing and growing.Look for a basil seed that serves your needs. The two types of basil cultivars that are used in Italian cooking include Sweet Basil, the most common cultivar, and Genovese Basil. 3. Either one may be used for the preparation of pesto, a common food used in Italian cooking, although many people prefer the taste of Genovese basil for pesto. "Genovese" basil is classified as an Italian basil from the Mediterranean area. Sweet Thai Basil (O. basilicum var. To keep the sweet flavor and to facilitate growth, prune the top four leaves of the plant regularly. Basil grows all over the world, from Asia and Africa to Greece and Israel and many countries in between. Sweet basil is … 3. Indeed, even if you did not grow it before you might have encountered and eaten in a large variety of dishes. She earned a B.A. The most common basil is 'Genovese basil' (Ocimum basilicum), which is often referred to as The two names are interchangeable. The leaves have a lovely anise scent and taste sweet, yet slightly peppery. They have a wonderful aroma that will waft into the air at the slightest brush of a hand. They are excellent for pesto, caprise salad and other dishes that require large, fresh basil leaves. When it comes to sweet basil vs. basil of any type, there are a few things to consider before sowing and growing. Perfect for any herb garden and indispensable in the kitchen….Genovese Basil will not disappoint! It also has a more aromatic flavor. The best basil for pesto includes the sweet varieties, which can vary widely. However, you may have trouble finding it. You may find yourself looking for Italian basil in the grocery store after discovering a delicious sounding recipe that calls for it. Genovese basil is a variety of sweet basil that originated in Italy. The plant will grow up to 16 to 18 inches high and a good foot to 16 inches across.Basil lovers may know the subtle differences between each type, but when planting basil, you may be confused as to which seeds will work best in your area and for your needs. But you’ll know the difference between sweet basil and Genovese because Genovese is flatter and pointier than traditional sweet basil. It has dark green leaves and a spicy aroma, and the taste is pungent but leans toward a sweet, clove-like back end.The large leaves of the Genovese basil plant are known for their intense flavor. ; Holy basil is way less popular for culinary purposes. This is a variety of sweet basil. They require a minimum of 6 hours of full sun, not partial, to become big, bushy plants with a full canopy of leaves.Outside, the warm season annual prefers to be placed in a prepared garden bed after the last spring frost. Aromatic in the ground as well as in sauces, basil is a common herb grown in windowsills, containers and garden beds across the globe. Her full bio and clips can be viewed at www.vegaswriter.com. Italian basil is not a real cultivar (by cultivar I mean “cultural variety”) of basil. Genovese basil has a distinct and robust taste that is a mix of anise, peppery, and a bit sweet. Genovese basil is a staple (king of herbs) in the Mediterranean (mainly Italian) cuisine, while holy basil is adopted mostly (exclusively) in Asian cuisine. Recipes: Genoves for Wider Choice. Genovese basil is a great variety, but so is Nufar! thyrsiflorum) Nufar Basil is another type of sweet basil.