This comes out as blood clots.If your blood clots are persistent for days with heavy bleeding, then its abnormal.These are growth in the uterus or womb in women that can cause blood clots during period. Heavy And Clots - 2 Periods A Month. Though i had urinary tract infection some months back. It worked so well that I missed a period. Abnormal Menstrual Bleeding? These subsides in few days. In fact I've had to stay off work these last few days as I need to be near a loo. Help anyone? Inform your doctor. However, i starting bleeding bright red blood about 3 days ago, and this has been quite heavy as i am normally only very light.It isn't like period blood. Women with very heavy bleeding can take a 5-milligram dose, two times a day, from day 5 to 26 of their menstrual cycle. I took more painkillers and finally got to sleep around 2am.I'm 23 and experienced 3 weeks of heavy bleeding so my gp prescribed me norethisterone. I am hoping a lot of people will answer quickly because I don't feel that I have much time left. You should inform your doctor if period bleeding is more than 7 days.If you are pregnant and having spotting, then blood clots can be due to miscarriage. They commonly occur in women after the age of 30. Has anyone experienced something similar?I have been having peri symptoms for a couple of years. Today, however, it seems I have been clotting even more. What is wrong with me? In this month of April I had a period that began on April 6th with semi heavy bleeding, and ended April 14th. However, some women may experience If cancer of the endometrium is suspected, your doctor will take samples of uterine tissue for testing. However, if your bleeding is more than 7 days and you have large blood clots, then its abnormal. April 29th I began a second period with heavy bleeding, and now I'm also having blood clots ranging from the size as small as a dime to as big a half dollar coin. With lots of crap online, I Hope to quickly give reliable information about health. I dild not abort nor am i pregnant. I had very little clotting at the time and my gyno placed me on Rx and Anemagen to decrease my flow. (M.B.B.S) - Written or Reviewed on January 20th, 2017 in Heavy period with clots can be contained with a menstrual cup. Keep in mind My periods have never been normal. Let us know if you have any questions.Yes. But I've had periods of real heavy bleeding and some pretty big clots. I am on birth control (Alysena) and have been on this particular one for about 5 years. I also passed something that looked like a little sac on a string (placenta I'm assuming). Diagnosis My boyfriend and I had sex while I was on my period and a few days later my period became very heavy and I started seeing clots every time I went to the bathroom. At this point I have had my period for 8 days even though I have already taken 5 pills out of a new pack. If your cancer is still in early stages, it can be treated and cured. Dunn A. Once i reached the washroom a huge blood clot had came out. I have been on the depo injection for years and tuesday gone have now changed to the mini pill cerazette which is basically the same. I was off work for 2 weeks and can't be off again as it made me weak and tiredI recently had sex for the first time in about 6 months and it was the week before my period started. I had a medical abortion two weeks ago. And I just felt what I thought was a really large gush of blood, I went to the restroom and it was a huge blood clot. Have constant pain in the lower part of the stomach during your periods. A menstrual cup can help with heavy clots during periods.Other causes of causes of blood clots in period are vaginal infection, endometrial thickening or cancer.