Here’s everything that you need to know about adding tulsi to your own garden.There are over 100 different tulsi plant varieties. However I want to point out few tips . Dig the soil well before planting:this will encourage air circulation through the soil. Add enough water to make the soil very moist, but don’t add too much water, because you don’t want the soil to be soggy. on how to grow tulsi plant to produce more healthy leaves on much stronger branches for much longer time . Remove the plant from the pot. Once harvested, the leaves can fade quickly, so only take what you need. A balanced Feed your holy basil plant once every two weeks. Cut either a few leaves or a whole branch, depending on how much you need. Even if you’re not fond of gardening, you’re most likely having a Tulsi plant in your home in India. Tulsi, also known as Holy Basil (Botanical name: Ocimum sanctum L. or Ocimum tenuiflorum L) is a variety of Currently specializing in gardening articles, Elizabeth also regularly writes about history, folklore, and genealogy. Water the cuttings regularly so that the soil doesn’t dry out, and you should see new shoots in a 4 to 6 weeks.You can sow the seeds straight into the ground from late spring onwards, when the temperature averages 70ºF.If you want to sow your seeds earlier than this, start them off indoors. I’ve found that watering early in the morning allows the leaves time to dry off in the sun before the temperatures cool.Tulsi thrives in full sun, and ideally likes to receive 4 to 6 hours of sunlight every day. It also comes in a host of varieties, one of which is the tulsi plant (Tulsi is a purple-tinted plant with a distinct peppery aroma. Joined: Mar 9, 2013 Messages: 116 Likes Received: 17 #1 TimB122, Jul 24, 2014. How to Grow a Tulsi Plant. Cultivating a plant like this in your own home also helps foster a sense of connection to nature’s creative powers (Krishna & Amirthalingam, 2014). This will keep them fresh for up to 1 year.Like any other basil, tulsi seeds form in the spent flower head.The easiest way to harvest the seeds is to carefully cut the spent flower heads off the plant and put them somewhere warm and dry for a few days. It grows more lush and full when seed production is prevented. As it isn’t a large plant, tulsi can also be grown as a year-round houseplant.To keep your tulsi plant lush and healthy, you’ll need to feed it on a regular basis. This means that they’re used in manyFor all the benefits that this herb can bring, it’s a surprisingly easy plant to grow. How To Make Cannabis Plants Bushy Instead Of Growing Tall. You can harvest your basil at any time, but harvesting in the morning when the temperature is cooler means that the leaves are less likely to wilt.To harvest leaves, use small garden shears or sharp scissors. These leaves can bruise easily, which can damage the scent or flavor.Harvest your Tulsi leaves only when you need them. Tips on how to grow tulsi, a holy basil strong, healthy and bushy tulsi, a holy basil plants.We all know how important tulsi a holy basil as a medicinal herbs for its many health benefits.on how to grow tulsi plant to produce more healthy leaves on much stronger branches for much longer time And if you are like me who also like to harvest seeds, then end of the season you can let them flower to go seeding and you will have lots of seeds for next season, you never have to buy seeds, will show you my last years tulsi in garden with lots of seeds If you don’t do nothing plant will start flowering and stop producing leavesIf you cut the top the single stem will not grow much leaves, so you want your plant to produce more branches to grow more stronger plant.You will see new sets of leaves on both side of stems When plant has a about 4 sets of leaves and tiny baby leaves growing on topMake sure you cut the top above the last set of two leavesYou want to keep those two leaves , which will start producing two branch on both side of main stemSo now those two branches will have four sets of leaves quickly, since you already cut the top of main stemCut the top of those two branches making sure you cut above the last leaves That’s very important because you want those two branches to grow new branches, each one produce two more branches and so on..Plant will grow much more strong branches which will produce leaves for long time.When plant is about six inches tall cut the top above last set of two leaves, that very important to grow more branches and leaves.At some point you will have enough leaves harvested, you might want your plants to produce seeds, then let them flower to produce seeds to harvest for next season.After drying some and freezing some leaves for winter to add in my tea , I let them flowers to seeds and collected seeds for next season I hope this tips help you grow this highly medicinal herb.The first picture with the tiny plant and some cutting of the plants is just to show you how much To cut, just to give you an idea.Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in:Tips on how to grow strong, bushy and healthy tulsi a holy basil.