It is a fair theory to suggest it may have a common action to benzos as they have chemical similarities, but this is not yet validated.The important thing is that whatever the mechanism of your withdrawal, your body is showing danger signs. I did it this way. Alcohol feels different than Phenibut so I'm thinking it could "mask" the withdrawal while letting you get back to normal. Stayed in the hospital for at least a couple days with no sleep, not sure since I was losing my mind at this point. Either one should help mitigate the worst withdrawal symptoms.For experiences and discussions related to quitting phenibut.Warning: (also goes by Noofen, Noophen, Noobut, Anvifen, Bifren, phenibutum, fenibut, fenibuta, Phenybut, fenigam, phenygam, phenylgamma, phenigamma, phenigama, fenigam, gamma-amino-beta-phenylbutyric acid, beta-phenyl-gamma-aminobutyric acid, PHG, Phenyl-GABA, beta-phenyl-GABA, aminophenylbutyric acid, 4-amino-3-phenylbutanoic acid)For experiences and discussions related to quitting phenibut.Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. Before I even tried phenibut every time I heard of WD effects people would say it's one of the worst on a consistent basis.I loooooved phenibut. That pissed me off so much, the anxiety I could handle but the no sleep was really getting to me.But holy shit that first month that I was on it, it's like a mixture of good speed/empathogen/anti-anxiety. Don't take it all in one dose. Withdrawal symptoms can start immediately but may be delayed for up to 72 hours after going cold turkey or drastically decreasing your dose. Ad whadaya know, they realized they were wrong and Phenibut withdrawal is this bad.What happened is that during Phenibut or baclofen(pretty much the same drug) withdrawal you can't take more of that drug, because it makes the withdrawal way worse. And blood pressure through the roof. Ive posted about ths before and it gets downvoted into oblivion, but thats MY phenibut experience.I think we definitely do. See how you feel.I lowered the amount of gabapentin each day too and didn't take it more than a week or so. My blood pressure gets up to 180:120. I've never really used anything more than or five months without getting off it. I read all the Phenibut withdrawal stories and nothing seems to compare to my experiences. YOU WILL BE BANNED FOR ASKING OR PROVIDING DRUG OR PARAPHERNALIA SOURCES, whether illegal or legal. Minor hallucinations and paranoia were near constant, leaving me feeling as if I had schizophrenia.I don't think I can even take phenibut once a week anymore at <1.5g without getting terrible rebound effects. If you have any questions about Phenibut and its withdrawal id be happy to explain. If you can take gabapentin safely during Phenibut wwithdrawal you are not getting the withdrawal I am getting. Like actual hardcore benzo or alcohol withdrawal hallucinations. I didn't have a scale at the time but when I finally got one and heard 5gs was a lot. Started drinking about 7. Imho people blow phenibut withdrawal up to be worse than it really is in my experience, and I have decent experience with GABAergics. Withdrawal of Phenibut really isn't that bad, compared to what I have experienced with benzos. When i read the withdrawal stories of Phenibut I'm like wtf. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Plus it made me horny as fuck that's all I did was be that horny slimeball. Whole body is in pain, hallucinating and like I'm being charged with toxic electricity so bad I can't take it, I've never read anything like this but it happens to me.You abuse it pretty fucking hard along with benzos and alcohol it seems, your GABA system is probably fucked. I had blood pressure of 180/120 after taking a subanestethic dose of dck (which is known to lower the immune system). It’ll cut your tolerance in half. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts I completely stopped phenibut and started taking gabapentin which my friend had a bunch. I felt physically weak, couldn't exercise at all, couldn't go to class or leave my room, basically developed agoraphobia. How long will phenibut withdraw last for High Risk About 5 months ago I started using 1g three times a week then a month later upped the dose to 2g three times a week then the next month 2g everyday, then finally the past month I was taking 4g a day and now its gotten out of hand and I need to quit cold turkey.