The AI's are supposed to be "better", but by whose criteria?

After surgery, women diagnosed with hormone-receptor-positive breast cancer usually take hormonal therapy medicine to reduce the risk of the cancer coming back (recurrence). Based on the results she suggested I start on Femara but I wasn't keen. I called my nurse practitioner who works with my onc.

Women who stopped taking hormonal therapy early were 35% to 56% more likely to have a recurrence than women who didn’t stop taking the medicine early.

The percentages of women who weren’t compliant by treatment type were: This finding is in contrast to the recent meta-analysis by Goldvaser et al. is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to providing information and community to those touched by this disease.

It seems like every week I feel something new. My quality of life was terrible, I felt so bad all the time it was hard to even go about my daily house chores.

Changes clinical practice: The risks and benefits of adjuvant aromatase inhibitors … Fat tissue contains the enzyme aromatase that converts hormones called androgens to estrogens. I took Tamoxifen after the first 2 years and so had 2 years of Arimidex and 3 years of Tamoxifen. I can live with that considering the benefits.

Plenty of people have had their cancer metastasize while on treatment, so there's no right answer. For this reason, AIs are quite dangerous as they block essential estrogen.However, it has recently been reported that plasma estrogen levels do not necessarily reflect tissue estrogen concentrations. This is a new journy that I am trying to navigate.I pray that you are healthy and cancer free.

Alternatively, a patient with high risk of DVT should probably avoid tamoxifen. This website also contains material copyrighted by 3rd parties. Tamoxifen may cause hot flashes and increase the risk of blood clots and stroke. Do not use this information to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease without consulting with a qualified healthcare provider. I was dx with stage 1A invasive ductal no lymph nodes, ER & PR positve, lateral mastectomy, Oncotype Dx test 18 put me in the low risk category May 2019 at the age 64.

It is worth discussing with your oncologist.Suzanne just a little note for you.....I want to thank you for your wonderful posts. Aching, stiffness, neck hurts, numbness, and the list goes on and on.

Today, I've been on Arimidex exactly one month. My tumor did melt away with Taxol (maybe it was the Don Giovanni Mozart I listened to with each infusion, leaving me in bliss) and I did not have to fininsh the taxol (because of mild right hand neuropathy) or proceed to Andromycin +)...Knowing about "alternatives" as a fall back is exceedingly helpful to thank you very much.My name is Leah, I was diagnosed with Invasisve Lobular Carcinoma in November of 2019,  I had a double masectomy the end of January, and now I am Cancer free thank God.

I was given Anastrozole. They also assessed hypercholesterolemia. If you should develop side effects you can't tolerate, you can always quit.I was just diagnosed with stage 1 ILC during a prophylactic maastectomy..

I had a lumpectomy and am in the middle of radiation treatments. Guess my feeeling was in for a penny in for a pound.

Amir E, Seruga B, Niraula S, Carlsson L, Ocaña A J Natl Cancer Inst.

Instead I chose an alternate route after my surgery and radiation. The aforementioned researchers are now working on a test to identify whether a patient’s tumor has started to increase aromatase production, and make its own estrogen.Dr.