I took this a step further and laundered everything in my apartment at high heat. It comes in a 10% solution so you need to mix it 50%/50% with a moisturizer cream to concoct the same the doctors prescribe. One of the worst things about scabies is that you it's hard to tell when you're completely cured. I'm no longer washing bedding everyday.If the symptoms continue to decrease, my plan is to continue with ivermectin for 2 more weeks (one month total) and do one final permethrin treatment with deep cleaning next week. In addition, I started getting rough patches of skin in between my fingers. How come the symptoms came so late? Thank you!Long time lurker first time poster. I'm a little confused by your ivermectin dosing - are you saying that you are underdosing yourself (i.e. itchiness wasn’t particularly during the night, just itchiness). Regular examination of the skin for any new or unusual growths, or changes in existing moles is critical. My only problem now is that I feel like my legs are itchy, and I haven’t had much itching in the recent months. There's a huge amount of scabies advice out there, and it was comforting knowing that all these other people suffered through the same thing. They’re caused by the mites digging their way into your skin.If you have crusted scabies, you might not have the itching or rash that scabies is known for.If you’ve had scabies before, you might develop symptoms after just a few days of being exposed to the mites. He’ll do this either by scraping your skin or pulling the WebMD does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Nothing helped and the rash kept getting worse. Or should I continue to treat?Has anyone taken a dose of ivermectin while on moxidectin as well? Not showing up in clusters. A widespread rash similar to eczema (dermatitis) is very common. Scabies … I have the followup appointment with the dermatologist in 3 weeks and will report back. It still is pleasurable to itch but there's not itchy sensation which is great. Scabies, Post Scabies, or not Scabies at all? Scabies is usually worse in between toes and fingers, and in body creases like behind the knees and in the elbow crease. Social life is back to normal. The differential diagnosis may include: Atopic dermatitis / Eczema Contact dermatitis Drug reaction Do you know that scene in Stranger Things where Will is put in front of the heat lamps? I believe this is what drives many of us to believe treatments aren't working. It's now been 4 months - February 2018 - and the symptoms are 90% cleared. Scabies can live on the human body for 1 to 2 months. For the time being my symptoms are 90% managed, I think/hope I am clear of an active infestation, and I have treatment options available without bankrupting myself.If you're reading this and think you have scabies, my advice would be to see a dermatologist regardless of the cost. Scabies and eczema are totally different conditions. Some bubbly, some dry and flat Cookies help us deliver our Services. She originally wasn’t too sure what it was, so decided that I needed to be treated for scabies. You will overcome this and life will move on.Edit 3/8/18: Symptoms have been steadily diminishing for the past month. As many others on the sub, I have felt a crawling sensation on my skin for pretty much the entire time. I feel you. Not sure if I'm cured because the itchiness can last for 4-6 weeks even after you're cured...the itchiness and bumps/red spots have decreased by 90% or more. In January, I was diagnosed with scabies and was treated four times with permethrin. Scabies typically starts with itching and a pimple-like rash, often in areas around your wrists, finger webs, elbows, armpits, waist, knees, ankles, or groin. For others reading, go see a dermatologist ASAP and spend the $40 on a tube of prescription permethrin. The rash continued to spread, now on my chest, back, and lower legs in addition to the previous areas.Typical advice for folliculitis/eczema is to avoid hot showers as it irritates your skin. Additionally, permethrin has neurotoxic side effects which can cause a continuous tingling sensation, and ivermectin can cause various different side effects that visually appear similar to scabies (red bumps, acne, and eczema have all been part of my experience). Symptoms can only be managed. I was doing great for a month with no symptoms until it came back about 6 weeks later in mid-July.How come I can go for so long with no symptoms and then it suddenly comes back 6 weeks later? Use Cetaphil 2-3x per day and triamcinolone acetonide cream as needed (mainly at night for me. But if you’ve never had it, you may not have any symptoms for up to 6 weeks. There was a rash on my thighs that kept getting worse throughout November. They can live in bedding or furniture for 2-3 days.Scabies is very contagious. As someone who's suffered through scabies, with doctors telling me multiple times "it's just eczema!" She agreed it was likely folliculitis and stated the rough patches between my fingers were likely eczema caused by excessive hand sanitizer use. It’s the only thing that’s ever worked for my horse and I freaking love the stuff. < 200 ug/kg) but doing it more often?Correct. You can still spread scabies even if you don't have any signs or symptoms yet. If Cetaphil doesn't do the trick, your doctor can prescribe triamcinolone acetonide cream which works wonders to manage the itching.