All because of this. No I’m trying to explain to my 72 year old mom why the brakes are pulsating again when I just recently replaced the parts…The brakes on this thing are pissing me off… #131 Kevin B says: May 3rd, 2013 at 8:49 am Hello All,I just wanted to chime in here on the Town and Country brake issue that I finally resolved with my van. The solution, the tabs (top and bottom) on the pads are a little long (even after market). I had a Chevrolet Venture and the brakes on that lasted forever. Mechanic said brakes were fine- rotars looked like new. I was so happy when he brought it home, but as soon as I drove it, I was so disappointed. Oh my God, the brakes. The front rotors were just warped so I had to replace both. #22 David Lillie says: June 6th, 2012 at 7:15 pm Follow up to brake problems on 2011 Grand Caravan. Been all through replacing the rear brakes 6 times now. #286 sam priolo says: November 10th, 2015 at 2:30 pm new brakes at 50,000 km. I had them look at the brakes which were overheating on a regular basis on the rear-end (again), what we found was that due to the tolerances being so close between the pads and the cage that holds them in place the they were not moving back away from the rotor once you release the brake pedal. I do not trust the breaks in this vehicle anymore. The total cost was $785 for all Parts (Rotors and Pads) Labor, shipping and tax. I’ll take any advise. ?Reply Cynthia Schoenbauer says: May 15, 2017 at 5:06 pm Who are you, Mr. Steve Miller?Reply Andrew Sprague says: May 9, 2015 at 1:28 am Perhaps Tulane University? If you do not invest in your own health knowledge, who will do that for you?You will not be spoonfed this information. The last set of rotors and pads were top of the line NAPA Ceramic pads and NAPA Premium rotors, and still the shuddering continues when applying the brakes on a down hill grade. Email check failed, please try again Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. #84 Randy says: October 19th, 2012 at 6:31 pm 2010 Town and Country with 50,000 miles has had rotors replaced twice already and even the new ones grind when used. We will NEVER buy a Dodge again! So, I looked for an adjustment on the pedal. who has a book called Amalgan Illness. This was our third Dodge van (same scenario-buy used 3yrs old, keep 3 yrs, trade in). !Jamie #177 Markus says: August 22nd, 2013 at 10:21 am Wow, I’m laughing at the amount of people with the same problem as me. #121 Matthew Rikett says: February 27th, 2013 at 11:51 pm Same problem as everyone else. I ended up trading it in while I could still recover some value. How do they rotate back in on their own when the brakes peddle is released? - 222 CommentsDifference between House bill of lading and Master bill of lading - 173 CommentsWhat is a Switch Bill of Lading and when and why is it used..?? I don’t recall our 2000 German version, the Chrysler Grand Voyager, having these problems with the brakes. I still haven’t found an adjustment point. You sky is falling the sky is falling is false and scaring people away from safe no Big Pharma fixes. Is a NVOCC bill of lading a bill of lading for the purposes of the Rules? I purchased a set of aftermarket brakes which have worked for me before on a previous Dodge. I had to replace my original front pads at roughly 70,000 miles. Please keep in mind when spreading information like this online with your own website, you can be hit with legality issues as well if you don’t have appropriate evidence to “medical claims”, since it can endanger the lives and well being of many.Insert links and sources.Reply Alexandra1973 says: April 29, 2018 at 2:13 pm This works. I almsot pulled over, I didnt want him to think I was after him. This resource from Hariesh Manaadiar is extremely helpful at breaking down such differences – every day is a school day in logistics!I can not thank you enough for all the help I received through this blog. I could only hope that Lee Iacocco himself reads these posts. #272 john challender says: June 12th, 2015 at 3:31 pm We bought a used, but like new 2012 Dodge Caravan in October of 2012, so we’ve had it about 2 1/2 years. What are your thoughts? There is no way you can keep going in your van and come out ahead. Tried “screech proof” pads, and that didn’t work either. Prior to founding his company, he worked as a director and cameraman with the German porn label Puaka.