It causes inflammation just like AGA does even though DHT causes inflammation from within my allergies has caused it on top so in my humble opinion I think you would get the same result…..when I showed him the miniaturized hair he examined and confirmed and said it must be an “atypical” AGA because clinically I looked good but I know that things are not normal. All rights reserved. Synthroid may have gluten it so generic kind maybe better. The endocrinologist tried to tell me maybe it was because of menopause..Yea right… I am going to look for some herbs for relief.I have been losing my hair since 30 years of age, I take morphine,(mega dose 260mg daily) xanax, cymbalta (Mega Dose, 180mg) trazodone (150mg), robaxin Muscle relaxer (2,250 mg a day), zocar, (high chlestrol) I’ve just been taken off seroquel (500mg) and effexor. Focusing on low glycemic index (GI) and low glycemic-loaded (GL) foods, which burn slower, can really help with balancing blood sugars.Foods with a glycemic index of less than 55 are considered to have a low glycemic index. I had the thickest heaviest head of curly hair, now what’s left of it is just thin fluffy whisps. I’m just so distraught about all this.Any help will or words of encouagement would be awsome.Sorry for all the missed words in my previous post. I have taken birth control for 1o years, and was always on the pill. I attributed it to stress, but then realized that the hair loss started a few weeks after taking the cymbalta and I was not in a phase of acute stress as I had been 6 months previously when it would have made sense that the stress was the source of the hair loss. Any ideas?When I aggravated my SD by using a clarifying shampoo and also dyeing my hair my Derm prescribed a topical steroid. I think maybe the reason why you haven’t seen healthy re growth yet was because the severe SD. She had also mentioned the ridges being linked to needing estrogen. I hadn’t noticed it before, but I put my glasses on, went outside with a mirror, and it’s starting to grow back! However, a year ago you would have to DIG through my hair to see my scalp!! I don’t know what to do. My physician said she’s never heard of this.I recently noticed clumps of short hair and initially thought I had hair breakage. First hyper, then suddenly hypo. By the way does anyone know if I stop these meds if my hair will grow back?Right now I’m praying for a ‘yes’ on that question. So, here’s the kicker, is it Thyroid replacement/levels, or is it the HRT? It makes me so upset to hear that doctors still will not admit that going on/going off the pill will cause hair loss…especially when it’s listed as a side effect. I want to take action, but an unsure of what to do. Best wishes.I have a (large) multinodular goiter. Like over the top horrible. This may have been a contributing factor but during my life I have endured many stressful situations, cancer, loss of loved ones etc and my hair never fell outHazel, Try taking vitamin D3 5000 IU daily. Divorcing the S.A.D. checked my drugs; I’m on, Lisinopril; atenolol and sertroline. I just wanted to add the biologic Remicaide to the list. I also stopped taking the hormone creams (e.g., progesterone, estriol, Femring) for about a month. I hope this will help others, even though of course, all our body situations are different. But, my daughter has also been diagnosed and she is not gluten sensitive, but she has fructose malabsorbtion and the only sweetener she can use is stevia or maple syrup. I look in the mirror and cry everyday. I’m currently taking Glumetza and Januvia. I’m trying to find an endo in my area but I can’t keep going on like this. I am 30, with no family history of hair thinning problems…well almost. Start studying Juhos pharmacology unit 6. I have brain fog, constipation, acne, anxiety, no patients. God Bless!I wanted to add a bit more just to maybe help some of the people reading this…cannot hurt. At least allowing the patient to make a fully aware, and informed decision about whether or not they want to take it. Thyroid tissue can regenerate, but the rate at which it does is not always predictable. Genova tests show vitamins/allergies/hormones etc. There does need to be something done , in this fast paced world we live in we have enough to worry about without having to research the side affects of drugs that are being prescribed all over the place every day. Isn’t it bad enough to suffer from conditions or diseases that make us dependant on medications? I never realized before how much I take my hair for granted.I am 68 years old and until 3 months ago had an amazingly thick head of long hair that I always wore up in a loose up-do. Zn/Se/enough iron/dairy free probiotic may help T4 convert to T3. I just wanted to share this with you for consideration. I would be happy now just to keep what I have. I believe I have such improved health now that I will be ok without it. I have never experienced any hair loss. I am 100% dependent on Synthroid. It also reduces the risk of developing diabetes, heart disease, and some cancers, while promoting Are you ready to begin addressing your blood sugar levels?