Estrogen may cause the growth of some types of breast tumors. This can be harmful or prevent the drug from working well.To help avoid interactions, your doctor should manage all of your medications carefully. If you need to take these drugs together, your doctor may adjust your dosage of tamoxifen. This means they won’t work as well. Usual Adult Dose for Breast Cancer. If you take more than 20 mg per day, you should take half of your dose in the morning and half of your dose in the evening.A safe and effective dosage in people under the age of 18 years hasn’t been determined.The typical recommended dosage is 20–40 mg per day taken in one or divided doses for 5 years. These drugs are often used to treat similar conditions.Antiestrogens work by blocking the effects of the hormone estrogen in the body. Symptoms include:Call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room if you develop these symptoms.Talk to your doctor if you’re pregnant or planning to become pregnant. Healthline Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. They may check your:There are other drugs available to treat your condition. The decline in plasma concentrations of Tamoxifen is biphasic with a terminal elimination half-life of about 5 to 7 days. Generic drugs usually cost less than a brand-name drug.Tamoxifen is used to treat and reduce the risk of certain types of breast cancer.Tamoxifen belongs to a group of drugs called antiestrogens. Tamoxifen may block the growth of tumors that respond to estrogen.Tamoxifen oral tablet doesn’t cause drowsiness, but it can cause other side effects.The more common side effects that occur with tamoxifen include:If these effects are mild, they may go away within a few days or a couple of weeks. All rights reserved. Surgery — Although tamoxifen and raloxifene are effective for men and boys who have had enlarged breasts for a few months, the drug is not effective in men whose breast tissue is not tender or who have had the condition for more than one year. This drug should only be used if the potential risk to the pregnancy is acceptable given the drug’s potential benefit.All possible dosages and forms may not be included here. You should not need a new prescription for this medication to be refilled. Some may be more suitable for you than others. To reduce the incidence of breast cancer in women at high risk for breast cancer: Letro did nothing for me. Serious side effects and their symptoms can include the following:Tamoxifen oral tablet can interact with other medications, vitamins, or herbs you may be taking. We comply with the HONcode standard for trustworthy health information - All rights reserved. It comes with serious risks if you don’t take it as prescribed.Never try to catch up by taking two doses at once. Healthline Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you need to take these drugs together, your doctor may adjust your dosage of tamoxifen.Taking tamoxifen with certain cancer drugs decreases the amount of the cancer drugs in your body. If you take more than 20 mg per day, you should take half of your dose in the morning and half of your dose in the evening.A safe and effective dose in people under the age of 18 years hasn’t been determined.The typical recommended dosage is 20 mg taken once per day.A safe and effective dosage in people under the age of 18 years hasn’t been determined.The typical recommended dosage is 20 mg taken once per day.A safe and effective dosage in people under the age of 18 years hasn’t been determined.Tamoxifen is used for long-term treatment. Examples of these drugs include:Taking tamoxifen with certain seizure drugs may lower the amount of tamoxifen in your body. Adult dosage (ages 18 years and older) The typical recommended dosage is 20–40 mg per day taken in one or divided doses for 5 years. You shouldn’t use these drugs together. To find out how this drug might interact with something else you’re taking, talk to your doctor or pharmacist.Examples of drugs that can cause interactions with tamoxifen are listed below.Taking tamoxifen with certain medications for adrenal gland disorders can decrease the amount of tamoxifen in your blood. Select one or more newsletters to continue. Tamoxifen is a prescription drug. Your doctor will write the number of refills authorized on your prescription.Your doctor may do tests to make sure that your treatment is going well. This may make it easier for you to bleed. Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. Estrogen suppression from aromasin in males is 38%-62% at dose of 25mg ED Estrogen suppression from arimidex in males is 30-50% at a dose … You should not use tamoxifen with these drugs.Taking tamoxifen with other cancer-fighting drugs increases your risk of blood clots.