I cut my 50 mg pills into 2 or 4 and even if I play video games until it kicks in, when it kicks in I can’t do anything but sleep. Weird thing was it's give me bad nightmares every time I took it but I'd forget them in less than a minute after waking up I'd just remember I was upset. That said, maybe everyone is different in how they react?I just take it for insomnia but I also can’t imagine taking it for anxiety and depression. It's 50 mg, and i'm also wondering if you can half the pill. Dizzy spells are rather dangerous to a cyclist.I take 200mg every night and I'm fine. It's also not uncommon to need more than 50mg. The following provides an overview of how trazodone works, how it treats health conditions and how it’s different from other drugs, such as Xanax. But that's none of my business...I took it as a teenager years and years ago and didn't suffer any side effects, but my tolerance built up and it took about 150mg in the evening to knock me out. My doctor prescribed it to me for sleep. There is also little to no risk of addiction with trazodone.This was awhile back it knocked me out, which I didn't mind. I used it for a couple weeks and stopped. What it fixed for me was being able to sleep through the night without waking up several times.You can half the pill but I recommend you tell your doctor that you're doing this.Also, it may not have been made clear but you should take the same dose at about the same time every night to get the maximum benefit. Best of luck and restful nights!I didn't like it because it knocks you right out, but then for me it caused very vivid nightmares. So I can’t imagine being on the dose that they recommend for anxiety and depression. At first I experimented with the dosage - between 25mg and 100mg and it didn't really help me sleep. I've tried trazodone, as well as other drugs. I used it for a couple weeks and stopped. It's weird because I kept a dream journal so I usually remembered my dreams. Does the grogginess go away or am I stuck with it.I use 50mg trazadone for 2 years and I really hate the transition from being awake to asleep. Are you groggy the next day?Shit makes my anxiety work. I'd love to hear anyone's experiences with this drug.Quality sleep can help with anxiety and depression. Your doctor may advise you to take your dose of trazodone once a … The only thing I notices aside from good sleep, are bad dreams sometimes but not every night, so its okay.I was prescribed 75mg Trazadone (for sleep) along with 50mg Zoloft (for depression/anxiety). I had numerous strange side effects with trazodone, including the hungover effect and doing things I don't remember the next day in the hour or so I'm still awake. Has it worked for anyone?I've taken it for about 3 years now and my only side effect was if you mix it with melatonin it gives you some nutty dreams.My doctor prescribed it to me for sleep. How and when to take it. Does anyone use trazadone to sleep? I'm 6'4", obese, and ended up at the same dose.It was an effective sleep aid but it made me dizzy and lightheaded. Even if it means dealing with insomnia. It seems to be an old school drug the docs like to still prescribe.I've been taking 50mg for a few years. I'm not surprised the vet gave you Trazodone, though, out of the many drugs they could have selected, because your dog was having anxiety at night (presumably affecting her sleep). I'm on Lexapro now and only take the trazadone as needed.I had strange thoughts and increased anxiety with this drug. People with depression often suffer from crippling levels of anxiety and vice versa, a circumstance which, experts believe, v… Dr. just put me on Trazadone, I am super groggy in the morning. My doc just prescribed it but i'm not sure if there's anything i should be aware of. But as you can see everyone has different reactions to different medications. Trazodone is approved by the FDA to be used as an antidepressant. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. One 1993 study indicated that trazodone relieved anxiety at a comparable level to diazepam (Valium) in people with generalized anxiety disorder. While many people are familiar with antidepressants such as Prozac that are SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor), trazodone is a SARI, which stands for serotonin antagonist and reuptake inhibitor. Trazodone for Anxiety. It is kind of a strange medication — it acts on serotonin and is technically an antidepressant, but it has a sedative side-effect and so is frequently prescribed to treat anxiety …