These statins are best taken at night.Simvastatin is an example of a statin that works better if taken in the evening. Aside from menopause, women who suffer from PMS also report trouble falling asleep, frequent night wakingsand lack of restorative sleep that peaks two days prior to menstruation. However, the extended-release version of lovastatin, Altoprev, should be taken at bedtime.Fluvastatin has a half-life of about three hours, so it should also be taken at night.Extended-release fluvastatin, or Lescol XL, can be taken at any time of day.Your doctor knows your personal medical issues and is your best source for information. Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. Your diet should be packed with fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fish. , more than half of American women (60%) say they only get a good night’s sleep a few nights per week or less and 67% say they frequently experience a sleep problem–particularly perimenopausal women. Others work best when they’re taken at night. In menopausal women, the adrenal glands become the primary source of a woman’s progesterone production. I also take antidepressants. Apply progesterone cream to the skin as directed by your doctor. Always ask if your statin should be taken with food or at a specific time of day.Statins can also interact with other medications, so tell your doctor about all the drugs you take. You should also go easy on salt and refined carbohydrates.Make exercise a part of your daily routine and try to sit less. Also, the half-life, or the amount of time it takes for half the dose to leave your body, of some statins is short. Older women are just as likely to develop sleep apnea as are men; if you have this condition, oxygen deprivation may cause you to … They had a catheter attached to the arm to draw blood every 15 minutes over a 24-hour period. Women who took progesterone had 40% lower melatonin levels, and 50% higher growth hormone levels. With women twice as likely to suffer from sleep disorders, what is one to do?One key to getting better sleep is a hormone that your body already produces: is a steroid hormone that is made primarily in the ovaries of cycling (premenopausal) women by the corpus luteum (a temporary endocrine gland that is formed at ovulation). Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. Also, the half-life, or the amount of time it takes for half the dose to leave your body, of some statins is short.Some statins have half-lives of less than six hours. Simvastatin, fluvastatin, and lovastatin have a short elimination half-life compared to other drugs within the class. During a baseline night in which blood was not drawn, there was no difference in sleep quality between the progesterone and placebo groups. However, progesterone is far more than a gestational agent. Sometimes, switching to another statin can help.While statins can be very effective in lowering LDL cholesterol, you can also manage your cholesterol using alternative treatments or through lifestyle modifications.Diet plays an important role in blood cholesterol levels. Studies show that when simvastatin is taken at night, there’s a greater reduction in LDL cholesterol than when it’s taken in the morning. Some common statins are:Most statins should be taken once every 24 hours. Risk versus rewards for this type of therapy should be decided by each individual woman in conjunction with a trusted and knowledgeable physician. However, the extended-release version of lovastatin, Altoprev, should be taken at bedtime.Fluvastatin has a half-life of about three hours, so it should also be taken at night.Extended-release fluvastatin, or Lescol XL, can be taken at any time of day.The most important thing you need to know is that statins aren’t all the same. That’s the bad kind.When you have too much LDL cholesterol, it can build up in the walls of your arteries. Doctors' chief worries when prescribing patients simvastatin and rosuvastatin are … At first I was taking 200mgs every 12th day. Progesterone comes as a capsule to take by mouth. If you do find your estrogen or cortisol is out of range–high or low–and your progesterone is out of balance, then progesterone therapy may be a consideration. Statins that you should take at night. The rest of this article will take a closer look at just how essential progesterone is for your brain. The most important reason for using Oral Progesterone is for the treatment of hot flush es and night sweats. The best way to assess whether or not you could benefit from progesterone is to first This test helps you to pinpoint exactly what type of therapies will be suited to your unique levels of hormones and metabolites you produce.