Told my doctor and he didn’t seem convinced, but I am 100%!I started taking 10mg lexapro back in Dec 2013 and by March I was up to 20mg. A cohort of new user and mutually exclusive users of fluoxetine, fluvoxamine, sertraline, citalopram, escitalopram, paroxetine, duloxetine, venlafaxine, desvenlafaxine, and bupropion were followed to the first diagnosis of alopecia. I probably started taking Lexapro in either around my Senior year of High School. This synergistic effect may be facilitated as a result of the drugs altering gene function, hormones, or your entire neurophysiology. As a result of this accumulation, even a lower dose could be more likely trigger an adverse physiological reaction, leading to hair loss.That said, it is possible that genes that aren’t well-documented as being affected by Escitalopram could also facilitate hair loss. I also read a PubMed paper recently that (and you won't believe this!) Atypon Sure the drug may boost your mood, but this mood boost may be offset by the toll hair loss has taken on your self-esteem.If you’ve experienced hair loss on Lexapro, share your story in the comments section below and discuss any theories regarding the etiology. Long-term users will have accumulated more of the drug in their system and are more likely to be taking a higher dose. They thought it may be hair dye, so I stopped dying my hair. Never stop an antidepressant or any medication prescribed by a doctor. Lexapro is comprised of solely the S-enantiomer of Citalopram; hence it is a very similar drug.Due to the similarity of Celexa and Lexapro, highlighting a case study of hair loss associated with Celexa may be useful. A study published in 2000 entitled “Citalopram and Hair Loss,” written by Sanjay Gupta, M.D. To her pleasant surprise, the Centrum Silver attenuated her Celexa-induced hair loss. I panicked after it did not stop falling out after a month and stopped taking the lexapro. Get your money's worth! WCV. Feel relieved that as I get the lexapro slowly out of my system and eventually out of my system, I now will not lose anymore hair. 2018 Aug;38(4):349-356. doi: 10.1097/JCP.0000000000000911.Schneeweiss S, Patrick AR, Solomon DH, Mehta J, Dormuth C, Miller M, Lee JC, Wang PS.Arch Gen Psychiatry. The drug is really helping me out, but I am freaking out with the hair loss which is everywhere, especially on top of my head. They are trained not to judge and knowing a few doctors as friends, they say they are focused on symptoms and can help so much better by knowing all that is happening. The reason I went off the YAZ though is far worse than hair loss ~ it caused my eyes severe dryness & since I wear contacts I repeatedly got corneal ulcers. Since thyroid disease can happen at any time, it may be the underlying cause. – documented a case of a 50-year-old woman who experienced significant hair loss while taking Celexa. The physician patient relationship is sharing and deciding, not leaving confused. Sudden withdrawal can have very bad side effects in mood and such.You ought to get your thyroid levels checked. Keep us updated and tell us if you had any regrowth!Hello, I’ve been on citalopram for 4-5 years. Name must be less than 100 characters However, it could be that this side effect wasn’t well-documented, well-researched, or that it could’ve been downplayed by manufacturers. The Lexapro has been very effective at treating the anxiety and depression at the lowest dose and I will monitor my symptoms as I reduce it again in one week, by one quarter. A study published in 2000 entitled “Citalopram and Hair Loss,” written by Sanjay Gupta, M.D. I have been off Lexapro for a year and my hair feels great and people are saying how nice it looks.36 y/o female on 10mg lexapro.