Famotidine is a medication that's given to pets that suffer from stomach ulcers and intestinal ulcers. Dosage in cats (based on pharmacokinetics): 2.5 mg/kg IV q. This gives time for ulcers to heal and to reduce inflammation. In felines as well as most other animals, this drug is usually intended only to alleviate uncomfortable symptoms. Famotidine/Prednisolone EZ Dose Micro … Pepcid is prescribed in such situations to reduce the production of the gastric acid to give time for the ulcers to heal and reduce inflammation. The veterinarian prescribed us Pepcid AC in the following dosage: two times a day for 3 mg during the week. Here are Does not appear to effect him if I offer it with or without a meal. As mentioned Pepcid also known as famotidine, Pepcid AC or Pepcid RPD is a histamine receptor blocker. It prevents histamine receptors found in the stomach from stimulating the production of stomach acid. Believes that the person responsible for each pet, which was taken into the house, and therefore should study his behavior, means of determining health status and methods of first aid.My cat was recently diagnosed with severe kidney disease. The recommended dosage is 0.5 to 1 mg/kg every 12 to 24 hours. Pharmaceutical manufacturers first developed famotidine as a treatment for human stomach ulcers, and it quickly also became a treatment for gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), which causes acute heartburnamong other things. Most medical experts stress that human pills should not be given to cats unless on the specific direction of a veterinarian, which means that people who have prescriptions for themselves shouldn’t share the drugs with their cats. All these treatments are possibilities so long as your cat is compatible with Pepcid AC.The chance of having a side effect caused from Pepcid AC is 1 in 1,000, though the possibility is still there. For instance, it is necessary that you ensure that what you’re giving your cat is Pepcid AC and not Pepcid Complete or the Extra Strength 20mg Tablet. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. In stock on September 17, 2020. The H2 receptors in the stomach stimulate the production of stomach acid.In cases where a cat has ulcers, H2 receptor blockers such as pepcid are prescribed to reduce the production and pH of stomach acid. Unlike cimetidine, no clinically … Famotidine … Famotidine 10mg … People aren’t the only ones who experience these issues, though. Some medications are designed exclusively for the veterinary market, but this is one that seems to cross over fairly well. To be on the safe side, inform the vet about any other over the counter medications or supplements you're giving your cat.If your cat suffers from frequent stomach ulcers, you must find out the real cause. It has various side effects and should be given under the guidance of a licensed veterinarian at the correct dosage. Pepcid AC works by minimizing the stomach acid levels in the stomach. But any medicine should be given correctly.My Baron takes 5mg pepcid every day. Since the goal is for her to eat/drink as much as possible for the k/d, this is an important part of her treatment. I usually give it about an hour after he eats in the early morning. In such situations, pepcid is prescribed to lower production of gastric acid to slow down or prevent ulcer formation.Pepcid is available in the form of a transdermal gel, injectable, tablets and syrup. Many pharmacists or vets will substitute a lower priced generic medication for a name brand one. Pepcid is frequently referred to as Famotidine, which is its technical name. Ulcers can be found both in the stomach and in the intestines.