This basil is the source of commercial camphor production. By applying the infusion of these leaves many of the skin diseases can be treated. Medicinal Uses . Along with these good qualities, it is also a good antioxidant agent. Very stately plant in the herb garden. This herb is also useful in treating problems raised due to indigestion.•    This is the best natural fly repellant and also air purifier. Too strong a flavor for culinary use. Camphor basil is well known medicinal herb in southeastern countries and especially in India. Camphor oil, as we already saw gets absorbed into the body and increases … Can also grow in a big container. It is also vividly used in cosmetic ointments.Keeping all these in mind grow camphor basil in your garden and use it as handy herb for first aid treatments. Camphor oil can be of good use in such a condition as this oil can be easily absorbed by the body when applied on the skin. Another major resource of camphor spotted in Asia is the parent of African blue basil, which is also known as camphor basil. All these qualities make it highly effective in treating many kinds of mental and physical ailments.•    This is one herb that is highly used in many traditional medicines such as Ayurveda and homeopathic medicines due to the presence of many medicinal qualities.•     It is also used to design many of the ceramic and glass materials in combination with other ingredients.•    Inhaling the aroma you get by pressing the leaves of it or by inhaling the steam you get by boiling these leaves is the best natural remedy for cold. The aroma that you get by pressing the leaves of this herb is very impressive and activates the senses of the one who smells it.The essential oil derived from crushing the leaves of camphor basil has nearly 60 to 80 percent of camphor in it. Camphor Basil needs little care aside from regular watering during the hot season. 10. Using the oil derived from it along with rose water can easily stop nose bleeding and also many of the eye and ear infections.•    It is highly effective in treating bad breath and many other dental problems. Camphor for Cleansing. Camphor basil has an ‘interesting’ aroma and adds a slightly medicinal fragrance to the garden! Camphor Increases Blood Flow . Camphor basil medicinal uses include anti-microbial, anti-bacterial, and anti-viral characters. These skin diseases include measles, chicken pox and other types of skin infections.•    It ignites and enhances appetite. Harvesting Harvesting can be done by gathering the aerial parts once the plants are mature. All these have made this herb a good herbal medicinal plant. Fill a seed tray with seedling potting mix. It is actually an aromatic component of many different herbs, including the camphor laurel, camphor basil, rosemary, and kapur tree. It assists in giving stronger teeth. Uses of Camphor: Camphor is usually used for its scent; commonly used in India for the purpose of cooking and medicine, as an embalming fluid in religious ceremonies. This steam even relaxes strained muscles.•    Camphor basil uses on skin are many. It can be grown in the garden or in large containers. So take vapor treatment using these leaves. This is the reason why many of the insects are attracted to this herb. Ovate leaves, bears creamy white flowers. We never purchase seeds from outside sources to resell to you. The perfume of the oil can help calm down the pressure and reduce the swelling by contracting the blood vessels thereby reversing the condition of neuralgia. • As any herbal plant, even camphor basil is high in medicinal values. When refined, it becomes a pale, waxy, almost crystalline material with a very strong odor. Chemical-free farm-grown Camphor Basil (Ocimum kilimandscharicum) seeds for organic growing.All seed varieties are grown at our farm or locally and sustainably wildcrafted by us. It also fights lice and helps hinder further infestations while making the overall texture of your hair softer and smoother. It keeps many of the house flies away and so health is intact.•    This herb apart from having health benefits can also give beauty benefits. The main reason why the essential oil from it is so effective in giving positive effects on us is, it has elements such as camphor, asinine and cineol. Camphor essential oil is ideal when used on the hair, as it can impede hair loss, spur on growth, and serve as a disinfectant for the scalp. Use a tray with drainage holes in the bottom. Camphor's strong, almost minty smell lends it well to clearing a space. Full sun, well drained soil. Can take heavy pruning. Perennial woody shrub, grows up to 1,2m. Plant camphor basil seeds six to eight weeks prior to the last frost date. It also has flavonoids and sterols. Here we shall see the uses of camphor basil in detail. Not only cold, it even easily fights off cough, blocked nose, congested lungs and also headaches. Along with these good qualities, it is also a good antioxidant agent. Camphor basil prefers full sun, is drought tolerant and frost tender. All of our varieties are open-pollinated, grown without the use of chemicals, hybrid-free and GMO-free.Sign up with your email address to receive news and updates. We gather, process, and package every seed variety we carry ourselves with love and care in small batches. The essential oil from it is used in many of the aromatherapies.•   Camphor basil oil uses have high hand both in medicinal and beauty products.