I’m 60 years old and was in 20mg Prozac and .5 xanax. monitor their behaviour too. I am learning the habit of doing something each day for my mind, my body, my spirit, and my personal environment. (I decided to go this direction now that I am retired. As antidepressant use grew over the past two decades, more and more people began to realize how hard it is to quit. Prozac is a prescription medication for felines and should not be administered without consulting the vet first. In years past when I tried to go off of it, symptoms set in 2-3 months afterwards that I thought were indications that I needed to be on it. Anyway, if you want/need someone to withdraw with, reach out any time.Renae, I also have been on 40mg of Prozac for almost 20 years. If anyone needs a good resource or hope, I highly recommend Kelly Brogan’s book “A Mind Of Your Own”.It encouraged me to advocate for myself to my psychiatrist and make a life change. effective and show improved results.If the cat owner stops the medication abruptly, mid-way, it will I am stuck and GPs talk like stopping is piss easy!I had been taking prozac for near 20 years and stopped them early July 2018. Prozac is available in the market in the form of Two days ago, I couldn’t move. I’m not complaining but at 63 yrs old it can be embarrassing.I came here looking for answers to how I was feeling and found the answers I was looking for. You never know what to expect in withdrawal. that they can be instrumental in changing their cat’s behavioural issues. If you have to nap everyday, or eat ice cream for dinner because your stomach is upset, just let yourself. So we cannot say exactly how long does prozac take to work, it depends on cat.Some cats should not take this medication. Earlier in the year I got pregnant, but lost the baby at 16 weeks. If new side effects arise or the symptoms worsen after consuming Prozac, cat I’d love to stay in touch with you. It might take three All he says is that “there is no way the prozac is causing blurred vision”. Fortunately withdrawal from Prozac is widely regarded as being “easier” than most other major SSRI medications.Most people seem to have considerably less withdrawal symptoms when quitting Prozac than they do quitting a medication like Paxil or Effexor. while on Prozac that makes their cat quite sleepy.It is very common for cats to project aggressive behaviour or become very anxious and stressed. Would appreciate some feedback.I was on Prozac for nearly four years and have gone cold turkey about two months ago. In most cases, Prozac or Reconcile will stop your cat … The past 2 weeks or so have been total hell, dizzy and exhausted, panicky and irritable. Round and round… If this is going to happen to me (I say if, because perhaps I might be one of the few lucky ones that come off it with minimal problems), surely I’d be better off just tackling my woes with counseling, CBT or life coaching. Before I got pregnant, I started suffering from occasional dizzy spells, which intensified during pregnancy (which I thought was part of pregnancy).However, in the months following the loss of the baby, I am beginning to think that the fluoxetine may have stopped working. § Co‑prescription of the two antidepressants in this instance is not recommended. gtag('js', new Date());gtag('config', 'UA-64652201-8'); Like human beings, cats also suffer from anxiety and depression. Also known by its generic name, fluoxetine, Prozac is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI). You, as a reader of this website, are totally and completely responsible for your own health and healthcare. Typically the greater the dosage, the more you will need to focus on a gradual tapering process.The phrase “everyone is different” holds true when it comes to medication withdrawal. I’m also trying to give up smoking at the same time and sometimes I feel I may as well take all the meds and smoke! I’m on all these emotional rollercoasters and for the most part I’m dealing with it okay. This is a general medicine that is given to the kittens like Prozac is a type of antidepressant medication, approved for use in kittens as an unapproved drug. My other question is, should I have done the Xanax withdrawal after Prozac.The reason I ask is because the withdrawal symptoms from Xanax were much less and a shorter period of time however, at the time I thought I would never make it. veterinarians to control and stop the aggressive You can see how long for prozac to work and what are the conditions needed for your cat to work. Castration of cats generally stops behavior but not always. I really want to stay off of Prozac and SSRIs in general and there’s no way I’m going back to clonazepam or any other benzo!How are you handling things? My fear is that the length and dosages have caused permanent damage to my brain. The active ingredient in Prozac is fluoxetine, which is classified as an inhibitor of serotonin reuptake. I have been taking 30 mg for a few years. Good luck, even if it means back-tracking and tapering, and perhaps study and/or counseling.I was on 20mg of Prozac for 2 months, and I’m about 2 weeks removed from taking it. I was on 40mg of Prozac for 4 years. Before prescribing any medication, the veterinarian will give your kitten a thorough examination to rule out a medical cause for his unacceptable behavior. My Doctor has been a bit useless with their support to me but I had heard Prozac can soften the blow to other anti-depressants with shorter half lives.