It is important to recognize that Viagra will NOT be effective in improving endometrial thickness in all cases. For those of you who aren’t familiar with the use of Viagra in IVF, allow me to provide some context. About 70% of these women responded to treatment with Viagra suppositories with a marked improvement in endometrial thickness. Would love to hear your thoughts on Menopur! All of the women had experienced at least two (2) prior IVF failures attributed to intractably thin uterine linings. What you need ism to take estrogen cyclically for about 3 months to rebuild endometrial estrogen receptors. Menstrual cramps occur when your uterus contracts to shed the uterine lining. Initially, four (4) women with chronic histories of poor endometrial development and failure to conceive following several advanced fertility treatments were evaluated for a period of 4-6 weeks and then underwent IVF with concomitant Viagra therapy. The Uterus, which carries the fetus in females throughout the pregnancy, it has three layers – innermost, middle and outer layer. By continuing you agree to the Copyright © 2020 Elsevier B.V. or its licensors or contributors. Required fields are marked All of the women had experienced at least two (2) prior IVF failures attributed to intractably thin uterine linings. However oral administration was without any significant benefit in this regard. Endometrial thickness 7 mm in the pre-ovulatory phase is widely accepted to be cut-off of thin endometrium. frozen embryo transfers, egg donation-IVF etc.) Initially, four (4) women with chronic histories of poor endometrial development and failure to conceive following several advanced fertility treatments were evaluated for a period of 4-6 weeks and then underwent IVF with concomitant Viagra therapy. I know you recommend 20 mg, 4 times a day. A thin endometrial lining is also routinely the diagnosis for women experiencing recurrent miscarriages.Women having a history of using birth control pills for 10 years or longer are prone to having a thin endometrial lining. suppositories were administered four times daily for 8-11 days and were discontinued 5-7 days prior to embryo transfer in all cases. On the last cycle, I was in 10mg of progynova daily for 3 weeks and still only got a lining of 7mm. Treatment is commenced soon after menstruation ceases and is continued until the day of the “hCG trigger.” While ideally the treatment should be sustained throughout the first half of the cycle, most women will respond within 48-72 hours. Currently, it is my opinion, that an ideal estrogen-promoted endometrial lining should ideally measure at least 9mm in thickness and that an endometrial lining measuring 8-9mm is “intermediate”. Another approach is to add estrogen vaginally to maximize delivery to the uterine lining. Thereupon it dilutes out as it is absorbed into the systemic circulation. The innermost layer of the uterus is called Endometrium. My RE has me taking 1 viagra suppository for 10 nights AFTER ovulation. We enlisted the services of a compound pharmacy to produce vaginal Viagra suppositories. My doctor has suggested continuing the treatment for another week and re-scanning.Hi Dr Sher, thanks for this write up. Initially, four (4) women with chronic histories of poor endometrial development and failure to conceive following several advanced fertility treatments were evaluated for a period of 4-6 weeks and then underwent IVF with concomitant Viagra therapy. I’ve been trying for my second for 2 years. I am having an FET next month and it’s a one time chance for us as we only have 1 viable embryo. However oral administration was without any significant benefit in this regard. I was offered the option of IUI, but I am wondering if IUI is even worth a shot because I can't do anything about my uterine lining being thin. We are about to start our 3rd and final FET. Menstrual cramps occur when your uterus contracts to shed the uterine lining. None of the women who had failed to show an improvement in endometrial thickness following is rapidly absorbed and quickly reaches the uterine blood system in high concentrations. I just finished my 3rd IUI, and it appears that everything is completely normal (antral follicle count, sperm count, all blood tests), aside from my endometrial lining, which has been persistently thin. Patients can also enroll online on my website, How did things finally turn out for you. produced a rapid and profound improvement in uterine blood flow and that was followed by enhanced endometrial development in all four cases. Treatment for Constantly Thin Endometrial Lining Due to Specific Medical Factors.