You may also want to consider using rogaine and vitamins and shampoo to also help with hair loss and some regrowth. The Independent Pharmacy is an online pharmacy and online doctor service is owned and operated by Studies have found that using finasteride and minoxidil together is more effective than using either one alone.If you have any medical questions or concerns, please talk to your healthcare provider. The American Hair Loss Association says finasteride stopped hair-loss progression in 86% of men who took finasteride in clinical trials, and 65% of them experienced increased hair growth. It is hypothesized that ketoconazole, in combination with finasteride, can disrupt DHT’s damaging effects on hair follicles (Perez, 2010).In researching how to deal with male pattern baldness and keep more of your hair, you’ve probably run across a lot of ads for “hair vitamins” and recommendations that you take supplements like biotin, zinc, and vitamin B. There’s actually very little scientific evidence that vitamins and supplements can help with hair loss—with two exceptions.But, the researchers noted, supplementing your diet with low levels of vitamin D can improve symptoms of androgenetic alopecia—a.k.a. I was wondering how finasteride usually works in terms of regrowth. Some Finasteride users have reported experiencing an increased shedding of hair during the first couple of months of use. Women are advised not to take Finasteride either, because of the way that it interacts with female hormones.Finasteride works by preventing the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in the body.DHT is the hormone in men responsible for male pattern baldness. But only three therapies are FDA cleared— multiple studies showing them to be effective—to treat male pattern baldness. When you take the recommended dose of Finasteride, the possible side effects are usually quite mild and generally do not cause men to feel the need to stop taking the medication. One of the complaints with propecia is initial shedding. male pattern baldness—and telogen effluvium (TE), which is temporary hair loss caused by stress or trauma.Vitamin D, known as “the sunshine vitamin,” is naturally produced by the body when the skin is exposed to the sun. 176 5700 90) and Red Label Medical Ltd (Company Reg. It’s necessary to use minoxidil continuously—if you discontinue it, new hair growth will likely reverse, and male pattern hair loss will proceed. This dosage is prescribed to men with an enlarged prostate, and it may reduce the need for prostate surgery. We use website cookies to ensure that you receive the best experience. And one of them is the gold standard, demonstrably more effective than the others: Finasteride.Finasteride (brand name Propecia) is an oral medication known as a 5-alpha-reductase inhibitor. There’s no difference in effectiveness between brand-name Rogaine and less expensive generic minoxidil sold for a few dollars a bottle online.Get your 1st month of treatment free on a quarterly plan.In addition to taking finasteride and using minoxidil, you can incorporate low-level laser therapy (LLLT), the third FDA-cleared method of treating hair loss. Finasteride also works best at treating hair loss where there is a receding hairline and thinning — in areas of complete hair loss, it will not work as well.In terms of who can use Finasteride, any man over the age of 18 can use this medication irrespective of height, weight, or age, and will most likely see positive results from their treatment.However, Finasteride isn’t suitable for use by children and adolescents younger than 18. It can be taken with or without food — this won’t affect the medication’s results.For more information on how to use Finasteride safely, check out our Unfortunately, there is no way you can ‘speed up’ the effects of Finasteride. Finasteride and minoxidil are the two most prominent—and clinically proven—treatments for men’s hair loss. If you have thinning hair, you might want to get your vitamin D level checked by a healthcare provider. 5-alpha-reductase converts testosterone into DHT; when 5-alpha-reductase is inhibited, so is the production of DHT, and hair loss may slow, stop, or reverse.To get the biggest bang for your buck, there are some things you can do while taking finasteride to increase its effectiveness.Minoxidil (brand name Rogaine) is a foam or liquid rubbed onto the scalp twice a day. My hairloss isn't that aggressive, I'm 26. Basically when I started finasteride my shedding started declining, for last 2 months 5, 6 I barely shed #10 kmm179, Feb 2, … Although they both work to achieve the same goal (slowing down hair loss and promoting regrowth), they work in totally different ways. Some of these shampoos contain minoxidil or ketoconazole (the active ingredient in the dandruff shampoo Nizoral). Health Guide delivered to your inbox It works by blocking the formation of an androgen (or sex hormone) known as DHT, which can attack hair follicles, causing them to shrink and produce smaller, thinner hairs.