Then, check-ins track progress over time, as well as possible side effects before prescriptions are renewed.Roman’s hair loss prescription model provides consultations that allow subscribers three months of Finasteride for $40, and Minoxidil for $32.In order to get hair loss treatment pills, an online health evaluation is necessary and both companies provide an online assessment through USA-approved physicians that provide care throughout the process.Roman’s online health evaluation takes approximately 15 minutes and can range from free (if through the website) up to $15 for an in-person visit depending on appointment time. As noted earlier, 20-milligram sildenafil tablets are considered the generic equivalent of Revatio, a drug prescribed to treat PAH, a form of high blood pressure that targets the lungs and puts an extra strain on the heart. It has been on the market for more than 20 years, and lots of people have used it.Minoxidil increases blood flow and nutrient delivery to the hair follicles which strengthens and fortifies the follicles and prevents them from falling out. With hair loss treatment, you need to educate yourself. Alex is a growth marketer, behavioral economics buff, and lover of all things Direct-to-Consumer. Posted on July 03, 2020 July 03, 2020 by Tricia Webster. Hims and Roman use branding and page design very differently. Even though the companies are relatively young, the products they offer have been on the market for several years. As competitors in the men’s sexual health market, both Hims and Roman directly address hair loss, but their pricing systems are different and thus require a thorough breakdown for men contemplating which one to use.One of the premier companies revolutionizing the realm of telemedicine, Hims is a relatively new business that offers a smorgasbord of products affecting men’s health, but the flagship product is their subscription service to treat hair loss.Hims has effectively removed dreaded doctor’s visits for millions of men, creating a new path for patients to receive information on a plethora of issues affecting men’s health, in particular hair loss, sexual health, skincare, and more.By signing up online and receiving products directly at home, more men than ever before are receiving hair treatment options on their own terms at discounted fees that don’t depend on health insurance.Following closely on the heels of Hims, Roman launched with the intent of taking telemedicine and men’s health issues direct to door. Here’s a quick price comparison and more details on how each treatment works to stem hair loss:$13.34 per month for first 3 months, then $20 thereafter.Finasteride works by blocking DHT (dihydrotestosterone), a hormone derived from testosterone that is known to shrink hair follicles and cause male pattern baldness (androgenetic alopecia).While some patients have reported experiencing partial regrowth for a brief period immediately after starting treatment, finasteride is generally intended to maintain one’s current head of hair, not promote regrowth after it’s already fallen out.Hair follicles begin shrinking again the minute you stop taking finasteride, which is why patients often report hair loss immediately after stopping. Well, we’ve done… Considering these variables, each subscriber ultimately has to decide which system works best for his needs.Before deciding which treatment is suitable for you, consider that the final decision may be in the small details when it comes to these two treatment options.At the end of the day, securing a treatment option for your hair loss is far more convenient than ever before. When they began experiencing hair loss themselves, they decided to launch Keeps. If you like the idea of using Finasteride in conjunction with a shampoo, biotin, and topical solution, If you are only interested in Minoxidil, your best bet is Use Roman and Hims: If you are interested in other health-related products such as Erectile dysfunction, cold sore, etc as well.If you already use finasteride, minoxidil, or both, Keeps, Hims or Roman are a great way to get your hair-loss treatments without having to go to an office and a pharmacy, and a great way to potentially find lower prices.We only email you if we find something extraordinary.