I looked years younger and all of the other improvements I made became much more apparent. Also, any side effects?Did you get sides with oral if you were ever on it?Would love to try it but have no idea how to get access to it (I'm in the USA)im using morr f5 since mid of march, and i can feel these days my hair is getting thicker and better especially on mid scalp.This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Got the finasteride crash at that point which has not gone away. Another issue I have with minox is unlike fin which i can just roll out of bed and take no matter where I am, minox requires substantial more effort and is harder to keep around if I'm travelling.I started around the same time with minox I believe, maybe a few weeks later, didn't like using it twice a day every day because of the flaking, a few months later changed to once every other day as I read some people did it that way, I've been thinking of stopping minox but idk, so used to using it now it's not a big deal, I use it after the shower which can be any hour, applied when my hair is still kinda wet, it dries just fine afterwards. Please note that the finasteride should be used by men only.Losing between 20 and 50 strands of hair per day is normal. My body should be fully used to lower dht now, libido+semen+erection quality are just like they were before taking fin, actually better thanks to being more healthy nowadays.Sheds: About 8 months in I had a major shed, lots of hairs on my pillow, it would clog the drain and I was losing so much density, it lasted for about 2-3 months and I was worried that fin wouldn't work for me, but after reading some more I found out that shedding is normal and before long (even if it felt like forever) it grew back with nicer quality, but it was still unstable, my hairs follicle growth cycle had been synchronized, so I had a few mini sheds after that and yet another big shed 2 years in! al. I'm on a similar boat as you were, my crown is thinning alot. 2 years to gauge results. This website is built for testing purpose only. For those people lowering DHT using finasteride might not work the best, but as with everything, this is very individual. I know she'll love me if I go bald (and I've made her promise to let me know if I get to the point where I need to give up and shave what's left off), but I would rather keep my hair as long as I can.I'm a little afraid of sides, but my libido has barely subsided at all and I'm 32, so I feel like my body will handle things ok. My wife is concerned about how the medicine will affect me more than I am (even though we don't have sex often at all).i agree with the jumping ship too early part. It’s been in wide use since 1997, and has gained quite a following since it was first released. Studies have shown that the efficacy of hair loss treatment increases when combined with one another. I was wondering how safe aand effective it is to do this. 253. Whether it be a hair transplant procedure, or our Fraxel 1927 laser for hair loss – an extensive range of treatment plans suitable for anyone!Apart from hair loss treatments, we are also experts in Unofficial website of Peninsula Plaza. The best way to reach us is by using our contact form. Went and bought 5% minoxidil, which I only use every other day as I found it would otherwise make my scalp dryer and nizoral 1-2 times a week for it's anti fungal properties to prevent flaking caused by minox. A 2009 research study set out … Should 1.0ml (1mg) be too much, simply drop the dosage to 0.5ml (0.5mg), or even 0.25ml (0.25mg) accordingly.You can save both money and time by making your own topical finasteride at home. N003 Experienced Member My Regimen. Popular sellers of topical finasteride are MinoxidilMax and Hasson & Wong. the studies done on propecia were done at the 2 year mark since starting. Norway?Sweden :D wish you luck, and if for some reason it doesn't work out for you, you tried, imagine it being worse regretting not having tried in the first place.When your hair sheds do you actually notice a difference in hair thickness?