Additionally, there’s emerging evidence that a strong sense of connection and community as well as spending time in natural environments also contribute to a healthier immune system.Drawing on insights gleaned from more than 1,200 scientific studies, the AIP is now supported by clinical trial evidence.The clinical research studies performed using the Wahls Protocol in multiple sclerosis provide additional validation for the Autoimmune Protocol. Some foods are obvious wins for a health-promoting diet because they have tons of beneficial constituents and very few or no constituents that undermine health—good examples of these superfoods are organ meats, seafood, and most vegetables. Just need your own personal cheerleader? Patient is a UK registered trade mark.By using this site you agree to our use of cookies. As a consequence, your muscles are not stimulated properly, so do not tighten (contract) well. It’s so helpful! Never give it to other people even if their condition appears to be the same as yours.Do not keep out-of-date or unwanted medicines. What occurs in autoimmune disease isn’t just the accident of autoimmunity, but also failure of the immune system failsafes, stimulation of the immune system to attack, and the build up of enough damage in cells or tissues within the body to manifest as symptoms of a disease.This confluence of events that culminates in autoimmune disease is a result of the interactions between your genes and your environment—a perfect storm of factors that cause the immune system to be unable to distinguish self (you) from invader (not you).The Paleo Autoimmune Protocol, typically abbreviated AIP, is a powerful strategy that uses diet and lifestyle to regulate the immune system, putting an end to these attacks and giving the body the opportunity to heal.Foods can be viewed as having two kinds of constituents within them: those that promote health (like nutrients!) The AIP is not a life sentence, but rather a toolbox full of strategies for understanding how your body reacts to foods, lifestyle and your environment and methodologies for healing given your individual health challenges.The AIP is also a holistic approach to health, including not only a dietary framework but also a focus on lifestyle factors known to be important modulators of immune function, gut health, and hormone health. Acetylcholine quickly attaches to small areas on your muscles, called receptors, and this triggers your muscles to contract. I’d had a thymectomy (removal of my thymus) and was undergoing steroid treatments to try to get things under control. At the same time, AIP Coaches recognize the individual nature of each person’s body and the many paths to wellness. -Rita DavidsonThe Autoimmune Protocol e-book is your up-to-date guide to jump-start your healing with the AIP today. It is very simply an extremely nutrient-dense diet that is devoid of foods that irritate the gut, cause gut dysbiosis and activate the immune system. It was extremely helpful and worth the investment. Patient Platform Limited has used all reasonable care in compiling the information but make no warranty as to its accuracy. For details see our Our clinical information is certified to meet NHS England's Information Standard.Patient aims to help the world proactively manage its healthcare, supplying evidence-based information on a wide range of medical and health topics to patients and health professionals.© Patient Platform Limited. You have the knowledge and skills to recover quickly and get back on your feet. These are all successes worth celebrating. Their overarching philosophy is that real health begins with eating REAL food and adopting a lifestyle that is conducive to long-term health. If you have Myasthenia Gravis then you already know that loosing weight is tough. Myasthenia gravis is a condition where your muscles become easily tired and weak. If you have a specific autoimmune disease that causes extra food sensitivities, those should be taken into account with your food choices.Don’t forget the crucial importance of: getting enough The autoimmune protocol can be thought of as a nutritional intervention for a diet gone badly awry, overabundant in calories and lacking in vital nutrients.