People not planning to quit smoking found themselves stopping with relative ease. To begin with, you take Zyban while you're still smoking. It is important that this medication be taken exactly as prescribed by your doctor. Originally marketed as an anti-depressant drug under the brand name of Wellbutrin, it became apparent that bupropion was an effective quit aid because smokers using it to treat depression also lost interest in smoking. down the sink or in the toilet) or in household garbage. Zyban is a 9-week course. There are  It isn't completely understood how Zyban works, but we do know that it alters brain chemistry in such a way that  Verywell Mind uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. If your doctor has recommended a dose different from the ones listed here, do not change the way that you are taking the medication without consulting your doctor. That said, if you develop quit-related depression, Zyban may help to offset the symptoms. Stomach pain occurs in someone with a weakened immune system due to HIV, chemotherapy, or immunosuppressants. If that happens, don't worry. By using Verywell Mind, you accept our Multiple daily doses should be taken at least 8 hours apart. Ask your pharmacist how to dispose of medications that are no longer needed or have expired.The side effects listed below are not experienced by everyone who takes this medication. If someone has any symptoms of the medical conditions listed here, they should seek medical advice. If you take too much Zyban accidentally, call your doctor, ... Stomach pain; Nausea; Vomiting; Anxiety; Excitement; Headaches; Stuffy nose; Uncontrollable shaking in a part of the body ; Ringing in the ears; Sore throat; Excessive sweating; Frequent urination; If any of the above side effects become severe or don't go away, see your doctor. Sanja Jelic, MD, is board-certified in sleep medicine, critical care medicine, pulmonary disease, and internal medicine. It is very important that bupropion tablets be swallowed whole and not chewed, broken, or crushed. If you experience any of these side effects, discontinue Zyban and see your doctor or go to an emergency room right away. These include aspirin and over-the-counter pain and fever medicines (NSAIDs or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). Verywell Mind uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. Read our Terry Martin quit smoking after 26 years and is now an advocate for those seeking freedom from nicotine addiction. Zyban is the brand name for the generic drug bupropion hydrochloride. The following side effects have been reported by at least 1% of people taking this medication. Stomach pain can have a variety of causes, some of which you can address by resting, avoiding heavy and spicy foods, taking medication, or using a heating pad.Others, however, may require urgent medical … Zyban (bupropion) is a prescription medication that can be used to stop smoking. Bupropion may be taken with food or on an empty stomach.Many things can affect the dose of a medication that a person needs, such as body weight, other medical conditions, and other medications. Other lifestyle changes that may keep indigestion from … It is a nicotine-free quit aid. Ⓒ 2020 About, Inc. (Dotdash) — All rights reserved How to use. The symptoms usually ended shortly after the medication was stopped, but some people still reported symptoms after stopping the medications, while still others did not even begin developing the symptoms until after they stopped taking the drug. How does it help? If you experience symptoms of liver problems such as fatigue, feeling unwell, loss of appetite, nausea, yellowing of the skin or whites of the eyes, dark urine, pale stools, abdominal pain or swelling, and itchy skin, contact your doctor immediately.Things which increase the risk of seizures include:All material copyright MediResource Inc. 1996 – 2020. In 2009, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration required the makers of Zyban and Chantix, a similar quit aid to post a warning on product packaging about potentially severe side effects. Many of these side effects can be managed, and some may go away on their own over time.Bupropion can cause increased blood pressure, making some heart conditions worse. A person develops abdominal pain after taking a new medication.