Rush said that if medical freedom were not guaranteed and specified, it was likely that one group of doctors would monopolize health care by passing legislation to outlaw their competition – other types of health care.Examples are endless. Disclaimer : The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. We’re talking low tech here; less is more. However, there is no restriction on having water before or … And they’re buried. Ideal Healthy living, as we are so usually told, is all about Compliance with pharmacopeial standards is mandatory to ensure the quality, safety, and efficacy of medicines. Why are there always new drugs? All this is possible; moreover, thousands and thousands of people are living it. But which is the more sacred trust – medical freedom of choice or protecting the people from fraud? Many people want an immediate cure, and they’d rather not participate in the process if at all possible, thank you. Asked for Male, 23 Years I m having Vitamin D de (Black p87) Herbology is a very complex subject, and has been around for several millennia longer than modern synthetic pharmaceutical theory. Allopathy wants people to abdicate responsibility for their own health. You can ask a free health question by downloading the Consult Now Medicine was something that could be used, that could be plugged right into the colossal Rockefeller infrastructure and be fed by the imponderable financial and political resources available to the greatest fortune ever assembled in the history of the world at that time. A fundamental shift has started.Doesn’t really sound like “alternative” is quite the right word any more, does it?In fairness, the allopathic approach does have its areas of supremacy and brilliance, however. Homeopathy has a long history and relaid on utilization of natural substances to cure diseases without performing any modifications of body parts as done in Allopathy. To cite just one example, there’s Now PC tells us how uncool it is to be mean to animals. It’s also the most regulated by a neutral party like the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or the American Medical Association. How about the Chronicle?Here is a graph from the National Health Interview Survey, ADR 277 NIH. which is best... allopathy or homeopathy? Why not? As you try to understand how things could have gotten this out of hand, try and keep the following in mind:Ideas that get in the way of this Machine get opposed by any and every means.Adding up these top ten causes comes to about 1.8 million. The most conservative medical estimates put the total deaths per year from prescription drugs and hospital errors together at Now going back to the top ten causes of death above, see the overlap? The real Alternative Medicine will do what it has always done: convert people to a more holistic lifestyle, one by one, by sheer attrition. The correct dosages, effects, and side effects may not be known. Tehran, the capital city of Iran, suffers from severe air pollution, and it is located near three major fault lines, while being the most populous region of the country. To cite just a few:To question a system of disease care that is too market-driven to be interested in health – that’s a sane course. How did the allopathic drug-and-surgery approach gain such an ascendancy over holistic medicine in such a short time? Nobody knows – they don’t track it. Look at allopathic cure rates for degenerative disease, cited above, in the past 75 years. I should not make any suggestion like others without proper case taking along with investigation which is required for homoeopathic characterized  ,& individualised treatment for each individual patients . Allopathic mainstream medicine has evolved the most advanced emergency trauma procedures in history. Herbal supplements are taken by mouth.Protects cells from damage caused by free radicals (unstable molecules made by the process of oxidation during normal metabolism). In addition, it is an…amazing fact that physicians are not required to be certified by any independent professional organization to show they know the proper use of the medical devices they operate…Did I mention that drugs are now the leading cause of death in the U.S.?Science stopped being scientific when the legislature started being controlled by the drug and oil lobbies.