I fully intend to get off the Ropin. My legs do twitch almost constantly throughout the night, according to my wife, but I can sleep through it for periods of time, adding up to several hours. Just to add that not only might your withdrawal symptoms be masking the effectiveness of the gabapentin, but it may be that 900 isn't an effective dose for you. I’m not even sure it’s RLS at this point. Be safe and stay well Thanks for the update, Nlthomp. Currently, I am taking 75mg of Pregabalin. OK. Requip should be weaned over a seven to fourteen day period. But there are other medications that can also help with rhat final spell.The main thing is to go down as slowly as possible, and by as small doses as possible , let your body get used to the new situation each time.Give yourself a reward each time you successfully go down.You could try taking paracetamol at night-- I don't really know if it will help or if you personally are able to take it, but certainly worth a try.I’m not sure if I am strong enough to do this, but your suggestions are appreciated. I wish this medication was available for you in the UK. Don't take more as at 3mg you were 2mg above the new maximum recommended dose for RLS. It took a very long time, but it is possible to wean off this way. Let your body settle on a dose for a while, have some rest and then continue. I started taking it b/c it somewhat bothered my wife. Over time, augmentation has occurred, although I didn't know what to call it, and when I suggested that maybe the Ropinirole was making me worse, my doctor got angry and told me I could just stop taking it. I wish you luck with the Pregabalin. I feel like it has ruined, or at least greatly damaged, my life. Stay safe Just an update, as promised. It is about an hour long but well worth the time you invest .Hi just wondering where you found out the new dosage of 1mg for Ropinirole as the information I have found says maximum of 3mg per day. I still clearly have RLS, and my legs twitch...goes. It is for many people, but perhaps not for you.That may be true. I had thought my RLS was just getting worse but it was the medication that was making it worse. The odd thing is I’m able to initially go to sleep, but am awakened hours later by this violent jerking. Gradually increasing dose. Has anyone experienced this “lower body” involvement from a slow withdrawal of a DA? Ropinirole dose has to be gradually reduced and withdrawn. It sounds like we’re in a similar predicamentI’ll most certainly let you know if the buprenorphine helps. You must be a very strong and determined person to have weaned off Fentanyl! It was horrible but I now have no daytime RLS and take oxycontin and pregabalin which really help at night.RLS is progressive so does get worse over time BUT if you get off Ropinirole you will go back to what you were before starting it (almost).Take it slowly though and get opioids to help you through it.Take a look at this webinar and around 20 minutes in there is info pertinent to your question. I had 15 good years out of this drug but once the augmentation set it became toxic. If the buprenorphine works, remember to try to reduce your dose after you have completely weaned off the ropinirole and the increased RLS as a result of that has settled. We’ll see, but honestly I’m feeling hopeless, exhausted and not sure it’s even worth trying. I think I'll revert back to the 10mg oxy and just deal with the tiredness during the day. In some states it is legal. You have done the right thing by reducing the dose but need to get right of it. the lower the dose gets, the harder it is to reduce.Yes, it’s truly a miracle that Dr. Brooks was willing to help me with this over the phone. And the 75 mg of pregabalin doesn't make ip for the reduction of even 2.5mg oxy. I’ll try taking the acetaminophen tonight and cut the Ropinirole in half. I need 7.5-10mg of oxy to control my legs sufficiently to get some decent sleep.