Your doctor needs to be aware of your concerns. Men with Parkinson’s disease may experience difficulty obtaining or maintaining an erection during sexual intercourse. PARKINSON'S disease symptoms develop slowly over a long time, and could be caused by nerve damage in the brain. You also may be offered genetic counseling with an expert who can outline the genetic components of PD and talk to you about Women with PD seeking to prevent pregnancy or regulate menstrual cycles might use birth control pills (oral contraceptives). The subject is seldom mentioned outside the bedroom (and can feel taboo even inside the bedroom) and rarely, if ever, brought up to (or by) your doctor. The stress of caring for a loved one with PD can make you feel tired, anxious or even resentful. Parkinson’s disease is a progressive neurological condition that affects the brains production of dopamine which, in turn, can affect sexual function and control of body movements.Parkinson’s disease or its treatments may cause sexual problems (dysfunctions) or affect a person’s relationships. Abnormalities in the function of the autonomic system may be one contributing cause of erectile dysfunction in men with PD. Stay up to date with the latest research and news from The Michael J. Erectile dysfunction (ED) is the most common sexual problem for men with Parkinson's. If you have sexual problems, consider these tips:There is limited data on Parkinson's and pregnancy, but plenty of women with PD have successfully carried healthy babies to term. Ask your doctor about newer medications that are less likely to contribute to ED. Search for topics, articles, videos, research, etc...The medical information contained in this article is for general information purposes only. There is a high prevalence of sexual dysfunction in PD, with problems ranging from erectile dysfunction, reduced desire and frequency, vaginal dryness, orgasm difficulties and more. Other treatments for ED range from medications, such as Viagra (sildenafil) and Cialis (tadalafil), to physical or talk therapy, to vacuum devices and surgical implants.If your doctor does not ask about sexual problems, you may have to raise the subject yourself. Some antidepressants, though, also can decrease sex drive and cause ED. These can stem from disease, medication side effects or changes in body image. Your movement disorder specialist will find the best treatment plan for you and coordinate care with your obstetrician. The symptoms of Parkinson's can create barriers to intimacy, and many people with Parkinson's experience emotions that affect their sexual relationships, such as anxiety, fear and insecurity about physical changes. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research has a policy of refraining from advocating, endorsing or promoting any drug therapy, course of treatment, or specific company or institution. Also let your doctor know if you think you might be depressed.In your relationship with your partner, it can make a big difference to share how you feel, what you need, and what might help. Finding out that you have Parkinson’s disease can affect your whole life, including your Parkinson’s can affect your sex life in several ways.First, the condition often causes tremors and stiffness in your body. "American Parkinson Disease Association: “Parkinson’s and Sex.”American Parkinson Disease Association: Washington Chapter: "Sexuality, Intimacy and Parkinson's Disease. Medication side effects, progressing disease and non-motor symptoms, such as anxiety or apathy, can decrease sex drive, erections and orgasm. During pregnancy, some women notice a slight worsening of symptoms. ED can also happen if a man has poor blood circulation to the penis . Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) Common medications like Ibuprofen, Aspirin and Naproxen, can reduce more than just your headache. Some say they have fatigue, mild memory problems or sleep changes, many of which are common in pregnancy, regardless of whether you have Parkinson's.Some women wonder about the safety of taking Parkinson's medications during pregnancy.