Add water when the level becomes low.Jennifer Loucks has been writing since 1998. Go with the cheap and implausible method. If the basil plant’s soil is too dry and needs water, the leaves will wilt. Sweet Basil is a flavorful herb that’s easy to grow both outdoors and indoors. But there's this small amount of fungus-looking stuff growing on top of the soil. If you have to handle the cutting to keep it centered and at the appropriate level as you remove water and add soil, hold the top growth only to avoid damaging the stem or roots.Gently tug on the topgrowth of the plant after a few days to ensure it is firmly rooted in the soil.Fill a 3-inch plant pot with more of the same soil mix, leaving a small well in the center.Scoop the rooted plant gently out of the original container, retaining a generous root ball. Cuttings, often called slips when rooted in water, that remain in water too long can become tangled and stringy or decline from the depleted oxygen and minerals in the standing water. However, it can be easy to bypass this step if you are Test the water pH every time more water is added to the system.Mix a complete hydroponic nutrient into the water using the package instruction for the amount of water flowing through the system. A hydroponics system allows you to grow a continuous supply of basil by transplanting soil-grown seedlings into the water-based gardening structure. cuttings from this, so the need to purchase any more or grow from seeds is I've started some basil in those starter greenhouses (with the pellets that you add water to and they expand) and now it's time ot transplant them to a bigger pot (i think. Follow this guide to help you transplant your Aerogarden plants with the least stress.Moving the plants from an environment they had everything to one where they are fighting against everything else can be stressful, so find out what you can do to help reduce their stress while transplanting.Before you do that – one thing I have done – especially with the older models is to remove the light dome altogether and place it near a sunny window.Not the best environment, but it is getting fed with the nutrient and is still being fed with oxygenated water.You can reduce the stress as much as possible, but it does take time to get the plant acclimatized to it’s new environment.If you can easily open the top to see the root mass or if it is the only plant in the Aerogarden then it is easier.If you have multiple plants the root mass will have intertwined and be very difficult to separate.I would advise transplanting the plant into a pot to start with.You can keep an eye on it for the next week or so, before moving it outside, if that is it’s final place.So get together a pot large enough to house the plant and some good quality potting  mix compost.Loosely fill the post with compost and water till water runs out of the bottom, leave somewhere to drain overnight.If you can take the grow table off the nutrient bowl and lay it down on its back without damaging the top of the plants – making sure you cover whatever you place it down on with a waterproof cover ( or use the bathtub)This way you can work on separating the roots of the various plants you want to remove carefully.You may lose some of the thinner smaller roots, this should be ok.Once you have them separated you can extract the seed pod out of the grow table.Get the grow table back onto the Aerogarden as soon as possible to reduce the stress to the other plants.Now you can concentrate on getting the plant into the pot.Remember while it has been in the aerogarden it has been pampered.It hasn’t had to look for food, it hasn’t had to combat any bacteria in the soil.You now have a decision to make – to remove the plastic pot or not…If it is easily removable then definitely remove it without damaging the roots.If you are going to damage the roots then leave it on.If the plant will grow larger where the pot is and you would damage a lot of the roots if you took it off, then it is out with the scissors.At the very least cut the pot into pieces so the plant can expand, but if you are going this far then it is worth seeing if you can release the pot from its constraints and cut it off in pieces, but without damaging the root mass.In the transplant pot with the moist compost – make a hole big enough to take the root mass and about one inch of stem (2.5cm).Making sure the root system is not just in a tight mass and have sticking out roots, place the plant into the pot.Backfill the top of the roots with more potting compost ( you probably had to scoop some out to make room for the plant, so use this).Make sure the plant is about one inch below the surface of the compost and firm very gently.See if the plant can support itself – if not you will need to stake it for the first few weeks.Now you need to put the plant in a place where it can become accustomed to being outside of the aerogarden.If you don’t have a sunny window you can place it next to the aerogarden to share the light.Allow the compost to dry on the top over then next few days.The plant will droop as the roots are now having to look for food.They will be growing the small hair like tendrils they never needed while in the aerogarden, so don’t panic.And don’t over water it, the roots need to have oxygen.They were getting this from the nutrient in the aerogarden, but not the small spaces in the soil are the available oxygen. 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