i Have exactly the same flushing cheek as you, i too had accutane for a few months ..and then minocycline. Compare head-to-head ratings, side effects, warnings, dosages, interactions and patient reviews. Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. My doctor said if this doesn't work the next thing and only option is Accutane. Location: Australia. Despite the problems associated with Accutane, the fact remains that it is the most effective treatment for severe acne for many acne sufferers who have used it as a last resort when other acne treatments have failed. You will need to discuss the risks and benefits with your doctor. I have also been given Yasmin. I can't say for certain if it's starting to get worse since I've quit, since changes are so gradual. Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. I fear that taking minocycline won't do anything and that taking these antibiotics might reduce the effectiveness of Accutane later on.So my question is do y'all think is should just take the Tretinoin until I can afford Accutane again or should I go with minocycline and Tretinoin together like my doc prescribed? I also went straight from Minocycline to Accutane and had no problems. It has also a tendency to make users feel very depressed. If you fall into this category, consult your doctor re Accutane’s suitability in your particular case/situation. Join Date: Apr 2003. i believe is the side effects of accutane or some checmial cream or something that triggered it. Doctors still prescribe it since the body is slow to build up immunity, but they are increasingly using other, more gentle, antibiotics despite the tendency for users to build up immunity. So my question is, should I just take the Tretinoin and not the minocycline? However, it’s best to drink a full glass of water with each dose to reduce irritation in your esophagus or stomach. Right now my doctor has put me on Minocycline and Enrthromycin its been about a month and nothing has changed. However, if severe acne is left untreated, it may result in acne scarring.One of the oldest acne treatments for severe acne is Accutane, or its generic counterparts, which is a derivative of Vitamin A. Accutane is extremely effective for getting control of severe acne, and can sometimes virtually bring an end to acne breakouts. What are the odds that it will make my acne worse, or less responsive to Accutane later on?The minocycline didn't work for me. Not only that, acne can be ugly and turn people away. Minocycline only treats active acne, not Minocycline also has anti-inflammatory properties, which can help to reduce redness and swelling caused by inflamed acne. Healthline Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Tonight, I pretty much reached the breaking point and broke down in tears. While this discoloration usually goes away, it can take several years.In rare cases, minocycline causes more serious symptoms. Because non-ablative lasers are less harsh, they will require more than one treatment session, while an ablative laser treatment consists of only one session.Acne treatment methods have come a long way over the years. Mar 6, 2005... First of all, Minocycline and accutane are two very different drugs...you can't even compare the two. Minocycline is an antibiotic that’s sometimes used to treat inflamed acne that doesn’t respond to other treatments. Ablative lasers are the oldest and strongest variety, and they essentially vaporize the outer layer of skin, much like removing a tattoo. Even though Accutane has the ability to get the problems associated with acne under control, the accompanying side effects make it an option that it should be only used in a frugal manner. It may be evidence of a potentially serious allergic reaction to a medication or other element. Solodyn (minocycline) is effective in treating a variety of bacterial infections such as acne, but it can cause permanent tooth staining, especially in an unborn baby and those who are age 8 or younger. The cheapest price I have found online for Minocycline is at the Pharmacy Express discount online pharmacy. NEVER take Accutane without the approval and supervision of a medical doctor. Although the treatments work well, intra-lesional corticosteroid injections are only successful on existing cystic nodules.In recent times laser have also become a sought after acne treatment.