Vanilla may remain the best-selling ice cream flavor for the rest of time. You might not guess that someone who first worked at a recycling center and then co-founded an e-juice company and a CBD oil business would also be a foodie, but hey — stereotypes are made to be broken. These terms may be updated from time to time, so please read them before posting a comment. Sign up to our free newsletter and get the latest news sent direct to your inbox Amidst all of this competition, companies need to get creative in order to stand out, and they need to pay attention to the latest features that customers are demanding in their ice cream.The global ice cream market may only be growing at a CAGR of 5% over the next few years, but in an industry that’s approaching the $100 billion mark, 5% is nothing to scoff at. (No, not ice cream This means I have been hyper-attuned to dessert trends lately, and ice cream trends in particular. Consumers also want natural options that benefit their overall health and wellness needs. In a fragmented market, this leaves plenty of room for companies to develop new product lines and specialized vendors to enter in order to cater to underserved niches.In today’s market, competition is getting fiercer, consumer tastes are becoming more sophisticated, and A growing number of ice cream shops are bringing in the crowds with flavors that reach far beyond the traditional favorites such as chocolate or butterscotch. The Big Scoop On 2020 Ice Cream Trends . contact the editors. contact the editors. Latvia-based Food Union Group is a global dairy production and distribution group that recently launched more than 100 new ice cream products across Europe. Its research has found consumers are looking for comfort during the global pandemic.She said new consumers willing to push their boundaries further will try intriguing new flavors that offer sensory and visual disruptions such as sweet and savory mixtures with vegetables, potato chips or other savory snacks. I love trying all kinds of food, and this interest inspired my partner and me to come up with our latest enterprise: an ice cream taco shop. Consumers also want natural options that benefit their overall health and wellness needs. The company recently launched more than 100 new products in markets across Europe. > Top Artisanal Ice Cream Trends for 2020. Ever dreamed of butter that tastes like blue cheese, or bacon-flavored sour cream? Everyone's screaming for healthier ice creams. As more consumers discover the complex flavor profiles possible in ice cream, more of these products will become available in grocery stores rather than staying in the realm of independent shops.Get instant access to Technavio’s latest research on this industry with a FREE sample from our report.Get instant access to Technavio’s latest research on this industry with a FREE sample from our report.Watch your inbox for an email from us with more information.Low-calorie options have been around for years, but customers are now looking for more in their ice cream than just a “light” version, and don’t want to sacrifice flavor or quality. When it comes down to it, the packaging is (almost) beside the point. Today’s methods use the latest techniques to replicate that old-time deliciousness, but they add a new twist: completely customizable ice cream made on the spot.You’ll see ice creams made with specialized local ingredients, savory and sweet ice creams, and ingredients you never expected to find in a dessert. Share : There are a wide variety of options available in the ice cream industry these days, particularly artisanal ice cream varieties. You should not post Cinnamon is also known for its immunity boosting qualities.According to Ražinska, Food Union’s key areas of focus for ice cream innovation in 2021 and beyond will also be to develop plant-based and flexitarian products as well as products that use less sugar without compromising indulgent flavors.The company will also work on sustainable packaging to reduce the environmental footprint of its products as well as upgrades to cones, wafer cups and new single portion products in unexpected shapes and sizes.Copyright - Unless otherwise stated all contents of this web site are © 2020 - William Reed Business Media Ltd - All Rights Reserved - Full details for the use of materials on this site can be found in the These comments have not been moderated.