A majority of current research indicates that minimal weight gain may occur during short-term treatment, but over the long-term, it is unlikely to persist.In fact, some evidence suggests that the drug may actually promote a small degree of weight loss. The ideas, procedures, and suggestions contained within this work are not intended as a substitute for consulting with a medical doctor. I have gained 30 lbs. This is great as zyprexa and seroquel made me balloon up to 236 pounds. Realize that many facets of weight fluctuation are under your personal control.There are clear genetic factors that determine whether someone has a positive experience on Latuda vs. a negative one. I was 103 lbs and am now 145lbs. I have decreased my calorie intake significantly but nothing happens.For two months, I have taken 20mg Latuda. Uses Schizophrenia … I hope to find something that works for me. Weight is stable. In other words, taking this drug is unlikely to result in significant metabolic changes or body-weight fluctuations.For this reason, it is preferred as one of the top atypical antipsychotics for those concerned about gaining weight throughout treatment. Weight gain. This test is called “There doesn’t appear to be a significant correlation between time medicated with Latuda and weight change. Class Second Generation Antipsychotic (SGA). On the other hand, if the drug isn’t working very well and/or you are experiencing extreme weight changes, it may be time to consider If you experienced weight gain or weight loss while taking this drug, feel free to share the details in the comments section below. The latuda seems to be working for me and the weight loss side effect is the best side effect I could ask for. Abilify was weight neutral for me. Latuda (lurasidone) is an anti-psychotic medication used to treat schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. You, as a reader of this website, are totally and completely responsible for your own health and healthcare. I really don’t want to go back to the weight game again. This med is not as weight neutral as it claims, at least not for me.I’m currently taking the 120 mg dose. Comments Marketed since 2010, lurasidone has an indication in adults for treatment of bipolar depression. Nearly all medical professionals regard Latuda as being “weight neutral” due to the fact that no studies reported significant weight changes among particiapants.Among [most] medical professionals, this drug is considered “weight neutral” in that patients are unlikely to experience significant weight gain or loss from the medication. I’m concerned that it could quickly turn into considerable weight gain.I gained like 8 lbs, but I’m bulimic and anorexic and still asymptomatic so I suppose I’m not the norm. I had gained 65 pounds using the previous abilify. I just started an exercise regimen which I hope will help. That or try haldol and enjoy the tardive.I went from 140 lbs to 185 in a little over a year on this medication. Off meds for 4 months down to 160 lbs (over 20 lbs lost) no change in exercise and dieting less. I was hoping to lose weight. So, here I go, hoping to feel alive again, hoping not to have thoughts of suicide again, and hoping to keep weight in check. I haven’t noticed significant weight loss yet, but I’m sure I will if this keeps up.In October of 2015 I started Latuda 80 mg and by then noticed lack of appetite. The types of food I ate and continue to eat has not changed at all and I juice my veggies and fruit (low sugar types) I eat a steak (average 350 calories) for my pill. I feel better was just Dx as bipolar. Not sure what to do because it’s helping the depression. I have 18 pairs of jeans that don’t fit!I just started 40 mg. than others. I also stopped taking it BC of that but am now about to resume it. Diet and exercise are the most effective ways to lose weight and maintain a healthy weight.If you are dealing with weight gain due to antipsychotics or have discontinued treatment due to weight gain, it’s important to talk to your psychiatrist. The greatest weight gain from Latuda research was experienced on 80 mg a day, which is considered a “mid-range” dosage.